WELCOME to the third edition of ON TARGET - The RV News. This issue features an interview with Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.), formerly of PSI TECH, and founder of The Technical Remote Viewing Institute, (TRV Institute).
Also in this issue we show you how RV can be used to solve a mystery. What created an ice circle that appeared mysteriously on a pond in Delta, Ontario recently? We invite you to look at the data produced by a team of viewers, and judge for yourself.
We also explore the pros and cons of frontloading, and as promised, we are presenting part two of the Jimmy Williams series of articles discussing the nature of remote viewing.
Dick Allgire
Volume 3, Number 3
Published by the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild
March 2001
Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.), TRV Institute Past, Present and Future. How he got started in the private sector, how he remote views, and a discussion of his current projects.
NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
Frontloading - Is it Remote Viewing?No subject is more contentious in the remote viewing community than the issue of frontloading, and opinions are diametrically opposed.
Ontario Ice Circle Mystery: Session and Analysis A detailed remote viewing session and analysis of an ice circle photo posted to the Jeff Rense web site in December 2000.
Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Two, By Jimmy Williams This is the second in a series of articles meant to promote dialog about the nature of remote viewing by comparing it to works by authors that seem pertinent to the discussion, but in particular to the experimental work in telepathy done by French chemical engineer Rene’ Warcollier in the early decades of the twentieth century.
Submissions Accepted: Please send your articles, sessions, letters, predictions and stories about remote viewing to the editor, Dick Allgire.
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