WELCOME to the April Issue of On Target - The Remote Viewing News. This month we feature a session by Lyn Buchanan, along with an article written by him on the issue of frontloading. This is an opportune time to feature Lyn's talents, because his third annual CRV Conference is just around the corner. Details of the event are listed on our “WHAT’S UP” and “EVENTS” pages.
It’s important for the RV community to publish actual session data, and Lyn Buchanan was gracious enough to work a session blind in front of some students and send us the data. We are publishing a typed version, but have also included the original “chicken scratches” in the interest of accuracy. It’s a great session.
Enjoy the issue, and let us know what you think.
Dick Allgire

Volume 4, Number 4
Published by the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild
April 2001
CRV Direct Hit, Featuring Lyn Buchanan
Lyn Buchanan was kind enough to let us publish and analyze a CRV session that he worked recently.
NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
Best Evidence
Best Evidence is a new book about an investigative reporter's three-year quest to uncover the best scientific evidence for ESP, psychokinesis, mental healing, ghosts and poltergeists, dowsing, mediums, near-death experiences, reincarnation, and other impossible phenomena.
What Frontloading Is - - - And What It Is Not by Lyn Buchanan
An interesting and informative article featuring a few rules for proper frontloading, and specific examples.
Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Three by Jimmy Williams This is the Third in a series of articles meant to promote dialog about the nature of remote viewing by comparing it to works by authors that seem pertinent to the discussion, but in particular to the experimental work in telepathy done by French chemical engineer Rene’ Warcollier in the early decades of the twentieth century.

Submissions Accepted: Please send your articles, sessions, letters, predictions and stories about remote viewing to the editor, Dick Allgire.
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