NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
Discussions on Remote Viewing
Part 5
by Jimmy Williams
The recently concluded RV conference was a great inspiration. I was especially struck by Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s presentation of ground breaking new scientific research, which validates the quantum and holographic nature of macroscopic reality.
I am going to attempt to bring my rudimentary (and possibly flawed) understanding of the main points of his talk into the context of the earlier chapters I have written on the subject of remote viewing.
I want to apologize in advance to Dr. Mitchell and the researchers involved if I am crude or wrong. I am going on my recollection and limited understanding of the materials that were presented at the remote viewing conference Saturday evening, June sixteenth in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Prior to Dr. Mitchell’s talk we were treated to the always informative and inspiring words of Dr. Russell Targ. One story Dr. Targ presented was that of the experiments done on the quantum phase entanglement of photons carried out in Switzerland. The experiments involved the emission of a pair of photons from a source, which were sent in opposite directions. At an approximate distance of ten kilometers, one of the photons was passed through a polarizer, which changed its phase. At the same instant, its twin photon, which had been sent in the opposite direction, exhibited the same phase change effect.
This experiment was groundbreaking in that it demonstrated the non-local aspect of quantum particles which were predicted in quantum theory but which were so weird, that even Dr. Albert Einstein was spooked by the implications.
Dr. Mitchell explained that all molecules exchange quantum particles. The ground breaking new information is that information, even on a macroscopic level, is encoded in the phase relationships of quantum emissions. What this implies is that all forms of matter and energy by the agency of their quantum emissions have a non-local aspect that identifies them as a unique entity. This non-local information is carried in the phase nature of quantum particles and may be the ultimate reason that remote viewing is possible.
Dr. Mitchell went on to say that the information contained in the quantum phase relationships could be detected and reconstituted. He calls this process “Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance” or PCAR. He testified that some experiments have already taken place using these new developments in conjunction with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology.
Dr. Mitchell reported that an experimental application of this technology has been tried and has produced some very curious results. Until further duplication of the experiment by independent researchers can be done, I am highly cautious about the reported results, but am passing the story on to you as I remember it from the conference, simply because it is possibly an important new development in our understanding of how things work.
According to Dr. Mitchell, experimenters have demonstrated the ability to extract three-dimensional imagery of a macroscopic subject (in this case a cow) by scanning a two dimensional image of a wire that had been extracted from its stomach. Presumably, this demonstrates a holographic-like quality possessed by material objects. If true, macro scale objects retain some of their environmental history in the quantum phase encoding of their molecules.
The subject of the experiment was a glass photographic plate obtained in the purchase of a laboratory previously owned by remote therapy researcher George De La Warr. It included a highly controversial machine whose development traces its roots back to Dr. Albert Abrams who was experimenting with a subject called “Radio Therapy.” Ruth Beymer Drown elaborated on his work. She developed a machine called the “Homo Vibra Ray Machine,” which stood for “homogeneity vibration ray” and to which the term “Radionics” was associated. Latter a machine with of the same genealogy was developed by George De La Warr with which he conducted many experiments.
According to Dr. Mitchell, the remains of George De La Warr’s laboratory was purchased more or less intact and included this machine and a collection of glass photographic plates. The story goes that the machine was used to investigate the strong psychic talents of his wife. Other reports say that it was used to effect distance healing and diagnosis of medical conditions. The theory of how the machine was supposed to work was, and is still the subject of great controversy.
I feel that mentioning the “De La Warr Machine” in connection with the new experimental developments detracted from the more interesting news hinted at in the experimental findings. The photographic plate used in the experiment was sufficient in its own right.
Nevertheless, the story goes that De La Warr was asked to apply his technology to determine what was wrong with a sick cow. The cow was subsequently found to have a wire lodged in its stomach. Although I am not clear on the events, a glass plate image of the wire and the “De La Warr” machine were presumably used to diagnose the condition of the cow.
Whether the machine somehow produced the glass plate or the plate was just an experimental sample was unclear. The important point was that the new MRI/Quantum Theory technology was able to detect and present three-dimensional imagery of a cow encoded in the 2D glass photographic plate image of the wire.
The technology used quantum phase measurements and computer manipulation of the data to create the image. Dr. Mitchell likened the process to that used by astronomers to enhance the capability of ground-based telescopes to see through the distortion of the atmosphere. In astronomy a laser beam is shot in to the atmosphere and its distorted reflection is then used to calculate corrections to the telescope using computer analysis. This greatly improves their imaging ability.
Discussions on RV, Part 5
Page 2
* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Introduction, Part One,
February R.V. News)
* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Two,
March R.V. News)
* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Three,
April R.V. News)
* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Four,
May R.V. News)
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·Dr. Dean Radin
·What Went Wrong?
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·Discussions on RV
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