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Discussions on RV
Part 5

It has been found that photographic negatives have higher “signature” as a remote viewing target than their prints, or worse yet, photocopies of prints. There seems to be a progressive loss of resolution the further one goes down the copy trail. A similar effect happens as holographic images are sliced in to smaller and smaller bits. The basic image is there, but the detail is reduced.

The fact that a cow’s image can be detected out of a 2D image of a wire that was in its stomach is weird and astonishing. If Dr. Mitchell’s claim that computer enhanced manipulation of information encoded in the quantum phase nature of molecules is true and if this can be independently verified, this is indeed an important new scientific development. Caution is advised. We don't know the circumstances of the image’s creation, or what experimental controls were in place.

This is very new, unpublished and speculative. Scientific papers have been presented on the physics and math, which support this new theory. The papers have passed peer review and will likely be published in a matter of weeks, according to Dr. Mitchell.

Since this article is about remote viewing, I want to bring us back to some of the writings of Renè Warcollier. The previously mentioned developments shed new light on the meaning of his earlier experiments in the 1920’s and 30’s.

I want to continue with some excerpts from Warcollier’s book Beyond Telepathy:

“…in telepathic transmission it is a question not of acquaintanceship, but of accord.” P.81 (This refers to the acquaintance of the sender and receiver).

“Apparently it is the will of the percipient alone that is effective in the majority of cases, in making telepathic transmission possible…We must emphasize the multiple impressions which assail the percipient.” P.82

“…telepathy being considered as a phenomenon analogous to acoustic resonance, residing in a syntonization, a “vibrating with”, which may be spontaneous indeed.”

In my readings of Warcollier’s work, it is clear thought rather than strong intent on the part of the agent (targeteer) seems to be more important.

Several factors seem to aid the viewer: Sympathy (affinity for the target), Antipathy (a strong negative identification with the subject) and an ability to not add extraneous data to the perceived imagery.

The information presented by Dr. Mitchell would seem to explain the agency of both the targeting of remote data and the ability to perceive it. It also falls in nicely with the experimental results of Renè Warcollier.

The data indicates that remote viewing involves the interaction with the quantum phase nature of distant subjects. In fact the ability of people to perceive information based on quantum phase encoding may be the only reason we are able to perceive anything at all.

Near field objects have the added advantage of a channel of molecular level sensors that are hard wired to our brain. This is as it should be from a biological, evolutionary standpoint. We should be less concerned about the tiger on the next continent than the lion in our own back yard. Which is to say, it is for very good survival reasons that the main data input channel gets most of our attention. Indirect quantum phase resonant perceptions are relegated to the realm of intuition and other extrasensory perceptions. In this sense, extrasensory means outside the main hard wired biochemical channel.

Once the information is sensed it somehow becomes our own personal construct of the world. How do the photons bouncing off the lion end up in the complex world we perceive? I submit that it isn't the neurological firings in the brain that contain meaning, and our conceptual construct of the world. Instead, the brain may be the gross structure of a quantum phase resonant processor. Modern science is enamored with the electrochemical explanation of how consciousness happens. This is the modern myth of how things work based on the best science available to date. I believe this new data will show that something much more interesting is happening on a quantum level.

As a paradigm for allowing normal perception and remote viewing (not to mention other psychic functioning) to happily coexist, this is an interesting and perhaps effective new working model. What is most exciting to me is that the math and physics of how it works have been developed; peer reviewed, and will soon be published. This is real science, not wishful thinking.

Dr. Edgar MitchellSo how does remote viewing work? Here’s one man’s guess…by “Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance” (PCAR) a la Dr. Edgar Mitchell and associated researchers. First, the person designating the target resonates with the subject to be viewed by intentionally viewing a picture containing a meaningful representation of the target or by experiencing the target itself.

In this process, the agent or targeteer further associates something else like a cryptic identifier (target ID) that will act as an ingress point for the remote viewer. This identifier has now been “PCAR’d” with the original subject. In a sense, a further bit of information has been added to the matrix of quantum data that is the target.

If you can access any part of an associatively linked set of information, you can access it all. My teacher at the Hawaii Remote Viewer’s Guild, Glenn Wheaton, has said many times “If anything can be known by remote viewing, everything can be known by remote viewing.” I think this is amply explained when you consider the holographic, associative nature of information encoded in the quantum phase nature of everything. The principle of non-locality renders everything available. Conscious focus determines which body of information is perceived.

This brings me to the explanation of how remote perception works. The key idea here is resonance. Beginning with the cryptic identifier produced by the one tasking the target, the viewer begins perceiving gestaltic data associated with the target identifier. Slowly, as perception builds, one begins to phase in with more and more of the quantum field that is the target.

Because of the non-local nature of the quantum field, the viewer’s activity of faithfully resonating and associating with the target information increasingly establishes contact with the non-local nature of the target. This causes his consciousness to ingress the field. Or, perhaps it is better to say that the non-local nature of the activity asserts itself to a higher and higher degree until the viewer and the viewed have fully established space-time non-locality. They have become one. This is how the non-local nature of the quantum field comes to play and allows the viewer to extract, perceive and even experience the remote target.

This theory puts to rest some of the problems of remote viewing versus electromagnetic wave theory. Electromagnetic waves propagate in time and space. Quantum effects are non-local. The quantum propagation of information resolves the time space paradoxes that remote viewing presents. Electromagnetism still plays an important role. It has been shown that electromagnetic noise can interfere with our ability to perceive. That electromagnetic shielding helps or ability to perceive has been well demonstrated by remote viewers taking advantage of local sidereal time.

Well this sounds just marvelous, but why can't we view anything, anywhere, anytime? Why are some people better at remote viewing than others? And can anybody learn how to do it?

If all information is non-local by virtue of its quantum nature, we need a built in perceptual constraint otherwise we would be flooded with information. I suspect this is a feature of the packaging we come in. The genetic coding that has built up over the ages has adapted us to our environment. It is a constraint implicit in living on a planet at the bottom of a gravity well. We are constrained by three (four) macroscopic dimensions and inhabit and a biologic vessel.

Some people seem to have a stronger natural talent for psychic functioning. Possibly, they're attention is less affixed to the normal sensory channels. There is enough quantum information leakage that they are able to put together interesting non-local observations about the world.

This can be very confusing to people who they're experience the world in the same way. It has lead to prejudicial treatment by “normal” people and is the source of the “fringe” and “weird science” label that the conventional establishment places on people that exhibit psychic abilities or who do research in this area.

Psychic functioning is a subject of great curiosity to most people. I have noticed that people who experienced trauma, particularly head trauma, report a higher degree of psychic perceptions of one kind or another. When anyone reports to me about visions, sightings, intuitions or talents of an esoteric nature, I always question them about their trauma history. They almost universally report a prior physical or psychic injury of some kind.

The classic example of trauma inducing altered perception is the out of body experience following a near death. I suspect that there is a natural governor built in to the healthy human’s genetic code, which enforces our sense of locality and linear time. Trauma tends to loosen the bindings of this connection.

I also suspect that many mentally ill people are subjected to indiscriminate access to quantum phase information and are haunted by voices and visions that are chaotic simply because they are not bound in a healthy manner to their main channel sensory inputs. It is a blessing that some folks are able to integrate psychic functioning into their lives in a healthy manner. Perhaps the disciplined use of remote viewing protocols may one day be redesigned to help people make sense out of chaotic extrasensory perceptions.

It has been said that training is not really necessary to become a good remote viewer. There is some truth in this. Many people have developed or are blessed with a fairly high degree of psychic functioning. For the rest of us training is a must.

In order for me to marshal my meager psychic resources I need a paradigm (a mythology if you will) and a language. These allow me integrate my linear, analytical aspects with the intuitive, psychic aspects of my being. The theory helps me to form a world view that I am comfortable with. The remote viewing protocols and training allow me to share my experiences and results with others in a coherent fashion.

In some small way I hope this series of articles has helped give the interested reader broader appreciation for the subject.  

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* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Introduction, Part One,
February R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Two,
March R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Three,
April R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Four,
May R.V. News)

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