NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
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Discussions on Remote Viewing
Part 7

by Jimmy Williams

Clear intent is important.

There is only so much attention. If you are preoccupied by the fight with the spouse, your bills, the dog barking or that feeling of hunger, you will have less attention to devote to the task at hand. All the thoughts and emotions that you are experiencing in present time are competing for headspace with the arriving target imagery. Anything other than imagery from the target will merge with and obfuscate the data you are interested in.

On the flip side, when a targeteer is preparing a target to be viewed, it is very important that his environment be as pristine as possible. Anything in the targeteer's environment or headspace can find its way into the target cuing process.

To the subconscious mind, everything is equal to everything. It is indiscriminate. The targeteer may not even be aware of interfering data. A target that is clearly prepared and viewed with a clear mind will succeed almost every time.

Strong feelings or affinity for the subject can influence target acquisition.

Highly attractive or repellent emotions in close proximity to the target subject, can act as a beacon. There have been many reports of people woken in the night by a feeling of premonition or dread on the occasion of a loved one's distress or death.

If a remote viewer is given a target for which they have a high degree of passion, chances are they will be more successful. This can also be a problem. If the subject is closely associated with a high strength event or emotion, it may be very difficult for the remote viewer to discriminate what constitutes the intended data.

Example: If the viewer is supposed to find out what is in the suspicious box hidden under the stage at the concert, it may be impossible for them to ignore the rock band playing on the stage.

Information is encoded in the phase nature of matter (how fast and in what direction particles spin). Imagery and information is holographic in nature.

I believe that information is encoded in the phase relationships of quantum particles. This has been called "Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance"¹or "Quantum Holographic Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance"² in articles and lectures on the subject. Experiments have proven that there is a non-local quality to the phase relationship of quantum particles. The ability of the subconscious mind to follow a trail of associated information clearly has something to do with our natural ability to interact with the target subject. Is there a connection?

Our brain is a network of electrically charged neuro-chemicals. The mind/brain combination uses associative modeling to bias itself in such a way as to phase-emulate the subject in question. It is possible to "phase in" to the target of interest and exchange non-local phase based information. As our mentor Glenn Wheaton says in his beginning lecture, "everything is communication". Information pre-exists. The creative patterning must exist before form.

I picture the mind as a quantum holographic image that acts as a computer. It is a construct of phase relationships. Our physiology is a material image of the quantum hologram, which serves as the pattern for its creation. Or, looking at it from the opposite perspective, the mind is bootstrapped from the quantum phase nature of our neural network and the electrochemical nature of our body. Depending on which direction you think the arrow of creation points, determines which model you choose.

Intelligence interacts with the quantum hologram, which in turn interacts with the bio-chemical and neural features of our chemistry on a quantum level. Assuming this is true, it would explain how we are able to access non-local, non-temporal data. The implications of this model are exciting, not only to remote viewing, but to healing to learning, and many other areas.

Electromagnetic fields interfere with perception. Absence of electromagnetic fields improves perception.

That brings me to the subject of electromagnetic fields, which are everywhere. They penetrate our body and introduce information (or chaotic noise) into anything that is sensitive. If you are trying to perceive subtle quantum holographic information, you can only be hindered in the face of electromagnetic noise.

Electromagnetic shielding has been shown to enhance remote viewing success. The reason for this is the improved signal to noise ration in the shielded environment.

We at HRVG are attempting to build or acquire a Faraday cage; an electromagnetically shielded room in which we can do advanced experiments in this area. We could use some help with this project and other endeavors we are contemplating. As a non-profit, we are always grateful for contributions. If you would like to contribute to the furtherance of knowledge in this field, please contact us.

¹ Edgar Mitchell, Phd, Lecture, 2001 Remote Viewing Conference.
² P. J. Marcer, BSc, DPhil, FBCS, A Quantum Mechanical Model of Evolution and Consciousness

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Introduction, Part One,
February R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Two,
March R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Three,
April R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Four,
May R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Five,
June-July R.V. News)

* (Discussions on Remote Viewing, Part Six,
August-September R.V. News)


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