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Simon Owen

By Dick Allgire


Declarations are elements within the data collected that are of interest.

· In S-5 monitored viewer Jim K. reports a lone human male at the target.

· In S-2 viewer Jimmy reports a single human. In Playfair viewer Sita reports a single human. In Playfair viewer George reports a single human. In S-2 viewer Jan reports a single human.

· In S-2 viewer Jimmy reports the smell of sweat and body odor. In S-2 viewer Sita reports the smell of sweat.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports forest. In S-2 viewer Jason reports tree/vegetation. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports palms. In S-4 Cascade viewer George reports vegetation, green plants, ferns, and trees. In Playfair viewer Pame reports palms.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports sloping terrain. In S-5 he reports very steep terrain. In S-4 cascade viewer Kathy reports sloping hills. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jimmy reports steep peaked land. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jason reports steep sloping land. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports sloping peaked land. And in S-2 and S-3 viewer Valtra draws peaked land.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim K. reports rocky terrain. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports boulders all around. In S-4 Cascade viewer George reports lots of rocks.

· In S-2 viewer Kathy reports blowing wind and whistling wind. In S-2 viewer Sita reports strong blowing wind. In Playfair viewer Valtra reports wind.

· In S-5 viewer Jim K. reports a man on a ledge. In S-3 viewer Sita reports a person on a ledge.

· Jim K. also drew and described a muddy trail through dense vegetation (trees). He sketched a man sitting on a rock, and then described him as continuing on up to the ridge.

· (See attachment J2)

· In S-6 Diarization viewer Jim K. reports a muddy trail. In S-3 viewer Sita reports a pathway.

· In S-2 viewer Jim reports a shuffling sound. In S-2 viewer Sita reports the sound of shuffling.

· In Diarization viewer Jason reports “the air was very misty/foggy.”

· In S-4 Cascade Land 1 viewer Kathy reports “wind howling,” “elevation,” and “light headed.”

· In the S-5 monitored portion of his session viewer Jim K. described and drew a trail going up to a steep ridgeline. He drew a road and water off to the distance below. He then sketched something falling and tumbling down the slope into dense brush and rocks.

· (See attachment J1)

· In Playfair viewer Sita reports the sound of a thump. In Playfair viewer Valtra reports the sound of thudding. In S-2 viewer George reports the sound of thumping. In S-2 viewer Jan reports the sound of thumping.

· In S-4 Cascade viewer Jim reports downward tumbling energy (motion). In S-4 Cascade viewer Jimmy reports downward tumbling energy (motion). In S-4 Cascade viewer Valtra reports something moving fast, twirling, out of control. In S-4 Cascade viewer Jan reports something big falling.

· In S-2 viewer Kathy reported, “soft- sink into,” followed by “plunging.”

· Jim K. then described and sketched the man falling down a steep slope. In his summary he said the man “fell or was pushed” and is probably dead. (Note: no other viewers reported data indicating he was pushed, or that another individual was present.) Viewer Jim K. reports very dense bushes and rocks at the location of the body.

· (See attachment J3)

· (See attachment J4)

· Both viewers Jimmy and Jim K. produced similar sketches that represent a human figure in a diagonal posture indicating diagonal downward motion (tumbling and falling.) George also drew a human figure in a diagonal posture on a downward slope.

· In S-2 viewer Valtra reports “hard landing.”

· In S-2 viewer Sita reports the smell of blood. Throughout stage one and stage two viewer Pame reports the smell of blood.

· In S-5 viewer Kathy reports someone in severe pain. In S-5 viewer Sita reports a person bruised with contusions and lacerations. In Phonics viewer Valtra reports internal injuries. In S-2 viewer Pame reports a single human with head trauma.

· In S-5 viewer Jim K. reports a man has fallen down a steep slope and died. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports a body. In Playfair viewer Pame reports a dead body. In Phonics viewer Jim K. reports “dead.”

· In S-1 Playfair viewer Kathy reports the smell of something decaying. In S-4 Cascade viewer Sita reports a rotting smell. In stages 1 and 2 viewer Pame reports the smell of decay.

· In S-4 Cascade Land 1 viewer Sita reports “ravine,” “deep grooves,” “mysterious disappearance,” “fresh air,” “something rotting away.” In S-4 Cascade Structure viewer Sita reports “hidden inside valley, boulders all around.”

· In S-4 Cascade (Land 1) viewer George reports “sounds of rocks shifting.” George also reports “under rock” in S-2 Phonics. In S-4 Cascade (Life: Vegetation) viewer George reports: “many fern like plants all around.”

· In S-4 Cascade (Structure 1) viewer Jason reports “High atop.” In Phonics viewer Jason reports: “adventurous,” “help,” “injured.”

· In S-6 Diarization viewer Sita reports “missing,” “people searching,” “women involved.”

· In Phonics viewer Pame reports “cops contact family ask questions.”

Simon Owen
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