WELCOME to the second edition of ON TARGET - The RV News. This issue features an interview with Skip Atwater, who sent us excerpts from his new book, which will be published this fall. Skip shares some fascinating details about the genesis of the Ft. Meade program.
We also check in with Paul Smith. Last May at the RV Conference in Mesquite, I managed to get Paul to sit down long enough for the interview.
So enjoy this issue, and be sure to send us your thoughts, experiences, and ideas.
Dick Allgire
Volume 2, Number 2
Published by the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild
February 2001
Skip Atwater and the Origin of the Ft. Meade RV Program Excerpts from his book, “Captain of My Ship.” This is a good description of how the creation of the Army’s Ft. Meade program unfolded. Plus Q & A.
NEWS: Analysis & Commentary
A Conversation with Paul SmithOne of only a handful of government personnel to be personally trained as coordinate remote viewers by Ingo Swann at SRI-International.
RV Theory: Determining Dates without Using Numbers “Remote viewing theory postulates a non-material "Matrix" in which any and all information about any person, place or thing may be obtained through the agency of a hypothesized "signal line." The viewer psychically perceives and decodes this signal line and objectifies the information so obtained.” (CRV Manual)
Discussions on Remote Viewing, By Jimmy WilliamsThis first in a series of articles meant to promote dialog about the nature of remote viewing by comparing it to works by authors that seem pertinent to the discussion, but in particular to the experimental work in telepathy done by French chemical engineer Rene’ Warcollier in the early decades of the twentieth century.
The Third International CRV ConferenceImportant details from Lyn Buchanan about booking accommodations for the third annual CRV Conference, to be held May 4-6 in El Paso Texas.
Submissions Accepted: Please send your articles, sessions, letters, predictions and stories about remote viewing to the editor, Dick Allgire.
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