20 Year’s Later-HRVG, Inc. Remote Viewing the 1997 Disappearance of Peter Kema, Jr.

20 Year’s Later-HRVG, Inc. Remote Viewing the 1997 Disappearance of Peter Kema, Jr.

Sometimes it is many years before remote viewers get definitive feedback for the targets they have worked. Sometimes the targets are never resolved.

In 1998, Guild member Rose Kopp, now deceased, along with Glenn Wheaton tasked the Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild with the troubling disappearance of six-year-old Peter Kema, Jr.
Peter, Jr. also, known as “Peter Boy”, was said to have suffered horrific abuse at the hands of his parents. Child Protective Services(CPS) had visited the family but Peter was not taken away to a safer environment. Peter Boy then went missing. His parents Jaylin and Peter Kema, Sr. told social workers that Peter, Jr. had been brought to Oahu and given to a distant relation, named, “Aunty Rose”.

Peter Kema, Jr. was never seen again.

On 17 Feb 1999, HRVG, Inc. published a report to our client, an Investigative Agency, and the Honolulu Police Department. Sixteen (16) remote viewers in the Guild worked this target and the collected information went through analysis which included location data using HRVG S7 Annex-A direction finding procedures.

In December 2016, Jaylin Kema pleaded guilty to manslaughter and agreed to testify against her husband relating to what happened to Peter Boy Jr. Jury selection is scheduled to begin next month.

It would seem that almost 20 years after this event was worked by the Guild that a possibility of feedback on the work will be forthcoming soon. As an operational forensic target, this will be a unique opportunity to give ourselves a grade on our performance. The members of HRVG, Inc. will be looking to see what data collected about Peter Boy’s death is congruent with what is revealed in the upcoming trial.

The HRVG, Inc. report to client will be published here in the next few days. Raw data will be published in our HRVG library on this website.

20 Year’s Later-HRVG, Inc. Remote Viewing the 1997 Disappearance of Peter Kema, Jr.

Reply From: Risto To: Debra 2017-04-04

Very nice!

20 Year’s Later-HRVG, Inc. Remote Viewing the 1997 Disappearance of Peter Kema, Jr.

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Risto 2017-04-07

Aloha Debra & All,

It has been 19 years since the Guild worked the Peter Kema Jr. target as one of our earliest project efforts. I would like to thank the 16 viewers that participated as well as the support from our client. This story will unfold fairly fast and the remains of Peter Boy will be recovered very soon. A reality we will all face and will need to reconcile is that some of our data will be good and some of it will be bad. The analytic effort should shine as everything was analyzed meticulously. Many will be concerned with the location data from the S-7 Annex-A work. Several cuts were obtained and I am confident that we will be close to the burial location. There is a chance that Peter Kema Senior will renege on his plea agreement and not take the investigators to the correct location, hopefully he will comply and lead them to the gravesite. I will make some time to dig out all the sessions from the archives for those that would like to dig a bit. We do have the S-8 Report to Client readily accessible and we should discuss how much should be published as it is possible that the Peter Kema Jr. project may make a very nice presentation which can be given at IRVA or SSE. If not then we will publish on our website with some assistance from our webmaster Dave Barnes.

This will be a unique opportunity to see the Remote Viewing skill demonstrated against a high interest forensic target.

Best Regards

Peter Kema Jr.

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Glenn B. Wheaton 2017-04-20

Aloha All,

With the plea agreement completed with the father of Peter Kema Jr. more information will be coming forth on the details of the death of young Peter. As I stated earlier this provides a unique opportunity for the Guild to examine our collection against the facts of this tragic event. With so many viewer’s working this target (16) there was a lot of information to push through analysis. Of interest in a post-feedback condition will be identifying orphaned data that did not make it past our consensus analytic model to the final report. Of keen interest to me will be the identification of “Metaphor” models used by the viewers in the work. The points of discovery we still need to resolve are the actions that resulted in the young boys death, a timeline of these actions, the location of the remains, and a list of parties involved.

Whenever there is a case such as this involving remote viewing there is always attempts to sensationalize the event, or use the event to self-aggrandize. At Hrvg, the collective work of the tasker’s, viewer’s, and analyst’s are what we consider important and how we wish to present ourselves to the public. Our work is what we believe is true, blemishes included. We know that within the viewer’s work there will always be good data, bad data, and grey data or contamination. There is no reason to believe that our analysis will be any different. The task now is to collect all the available information regarding the event as well as pulling all the viewer files and begin the process of post-feedback analysis.

In conclusion, we hope to gain significant insights regarding our processes and practices in remote viewing.


Peter Kema

Reply From: Sita To: Debra 2017-04-20

Thank you, Glenn and Debra for the post. It is capturing the local audience lately and we should do a post analysis as a group. I remember working this target with the other 15 members back then so I am looking forward to the forensic disclosure of the remains.


Rose’s Forensic Pyschic Big Island Visit

Reply From: Debra To: Sita 2017-04-21

Glenn, when will you tell us the story of what transpired when Rose Kopp and the investigators went to the possible crime area, i.e. Where Peter Boy lived and possibly died. I understand that Rose had a lot to say about the surroundings and events.

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