Michele Good VISID work

Michele Good VISID work

I’m helping Michele learn HRVG method. She has been doing very good work.
Here are here latest VISUAL IDEOGRAMS. The target is Shea Stadium. See how she got it visually from several angles. The second image is a good example of Warcollier Effect (disjointed image) in Visual Ideogram.

Nice work Michele.

Aloha Dick…

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Dick Allgire 2008-09-28

Not too shabby at all. Once you get a grip on Visids you are on your way. But you know that already. Compliments to Michele.


Michele Collateral research

Reply From: Dick Allgire To: Glenn B. Wheaton 2008-09-28

Hi Glenn,
We know from years of training that one of the sure signs of potential in a student – someone who will become a real viewer- is when they search the internet for images to feed back their work. Feedback is so important in training. The viewer needs to resolve what they produced from their sub with their conscious mind. Michele didn’t just take my feedback photograph, which matched very well to one of the VISIDS she produced. She looked at all her work, went and researched the target and found that her disjointed Warcollier image matched the target site. It shows she has the desire to learn this. And she has natural talent. I don’t want to jinx her, but she’s had a hit on every target I’ve given her.

I have some more stuff to publish, now that we’re getting the website back.



Michele Good VISID work

Reply From: Robert To: Dick Allgire 2008-09-29

EXCELLENT Visids………I’m sure she will do well with HRVG!!!!!

Robert and Glenn

Reply From: ‘chele To: Robert 2008-09-30

Thanks so much for your kind words. Dick has been really great and I’m having a really good time learning this.


Reply From: ‘chele To: ‘chele 2008-09-30

Please explain Warcollier image …I have not read anything (yet) about Warcollier..can you please define it for me?

Very groovy michele

Reply From: Fortune To: Dick Allgire 2008-10-19

Nice going!

Glad to hear Diick say that about about pesuing more feedback, I had some say oh no you should only validate whats in the ne fb photo. But i think getting more rich feedback will lead to fuller site cntact and more thorogh exploratin of the target in sessions.

Do you think it is helpful for tasker to provide several feedback photos and text feedback that includes conceptuals also?

Michele Good VISID work

Reply From: Michele To: Fortune 2008-10-19

Nice going!

Do you think it is helpful for tasker to provide several feedback photos and text feedback that includes conceptuals also?

Thanks Fortune! I’m still just trying to adjust to my own signal noise right now. So, I’m good with just one photo/event. I am trying to work on areas that are always a problem. I have a hard time picking up certain things with any detail. People are one of them. I’m unsure if the photo throws me for activity. Instead of photo’s, I would like to see a tasker give us a live ongoing event to see if I pick up people/activity better. For me, the photo is always ‘still’. Maybe its a form of frontloading that I assume I’m working towards a photo of something.

site/event vs feedback

Reply From: Fortune To: Michele 2008-10-21

I have tried to focus my intent to go to the site t view that rather than view the feedback, especially not to view the feedback photo. i think sometimes viewers wanting badly to do well at a session can vere towards viewing feedback without realizing. Yeah i agree photo is static flat ect no fun, Even doing ARV i refused to view feedback photo and did as well or better than those viewing photo. i didn’t want to got into such a bad habit and crud up my regular rv.


Reply From: Dick Allgire To: ‘chele 2008-10-22

Please explain Warcollier image …I have not read anything (yet) about Warcollier..can you please define it for me?

Rene Warcollier wrote a book in the early 20th century “MIND TO MIND.” He conducted experiments in ESP (actually remote viewing). He found that the subconscious provides visual imagery that is sometimes broken down and reassembled by the conscious mind.

So if the target is a wagon wheel, the viewer may draw a circle, and an array of straight lines not within or attached to the circular image. All the imagery is congruent to target, but reassembled in transmission from subconscious to conscious mind.

So Michele, when I say your images are “Warcollier effect” it means the things you drew are congruent to target, but assembled out of order. This means you have good contact with the target, and your subconscious and conscious are developing the communication. The most important thing is that you have target imagery. Getting it sorted out and assembled later will work itself out.

Google RENE WARCOLLIER. Or better yet, Glenn can you paste a link for Jimmy’s article in ON TARGET about Warcollier?



Aloha Dick…

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Dick Allgire 2008-10-23

I will dig it up. All of Jimmy’s articles are well worth reading. I hope to have a portion of the old website content back up this weekend. The newsletters resided in the library but I may not put that up. If you and Cheryle get the ontargetrv.com site up that will be the new home for the newsletter. I am sure I can cut and paste the article here easy enough. Unless there are graphics then perhaps repost it as a pdf here.


Michele Good VISID work

Reply From: Michele To: Glenn B. Wheaton 2008-10-23

Thanks Dick! I will Google it when get a few minutes!

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