Mysteries Project…

Mysteries Project…

Aloha All,

We need to have a discussion about whether or not we will continue with the Mysteries Project. In the meantime please email me you opinions on this, or post them here. We had previously decided to end our association in this project after we locked the website down. We agreed to finish the work on Target #2, which has been published, but not to continue to Target #3. Currently there is only DAZ representing the CRV community and that is certainly not ideal considering his recent accusations that Hrvg methodology is stolen from CRV, etc.


Mysteries Project

Reply From: Debra To: Glenn B. Wheaton 2010-08-12

Hi Glenn,

This is difficult because I feel that Dr. Brown is, with our help, doing some very interesting projects. No one else, to my knowledge, is using Remote Viewers to this extent and publishing work. On the other hand, I hated what Daz Smith has said about HRVG anfd I feel that he is an extremely negative influence in the Remote Viewing community. I actually was physically ill when he was attacking you and Dick about the origins of HRVG.
I would hope that there were several other CRV(and other) Remote Viewers who could participate in Dr. Brown’s projects and provide work that he could use in his data base along with the work of HRVG.
I am also interested in what others think about this, so please share your thoughts.


Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Michele To: Debra 2010-08-13

My thoughts fall along the same lines Debra. The only thing that I would add is that are we possibly just playing right into Daz’s hands. If we withdraw our support on the project…the glory (as it stands) will go to CRV. Even possibly credit in the court of public opinion for the Multiple Universes project. Once we fade off the scene, Daz is certain to spin our participation to this point as just members of CRV.

Are we shooting are hand off to kill the cat?
As I understand it, Courtney did support us at IRVA conference this year, along with several others in stating the appropriate origins of HRVG.

I just wish Courtney would expel Daz from the project. I wont feel right about participating with Daz there. And until Daz feels the pressure of not being accepted by the wider community outside CRV, he is unlikely to stop at all. His attack was just nasty and I think we were all sick.


Reply From: Dick Allgire To: Michele 2010-08-13

Just a few thoughts…

This is a sticky question. Courtney’s project has been the only game in town, where viewers from different methods have participated. Courtney should be commended for getting so many to participate.

I still feel a bit used and abused by the Climate Project, which I believe was a mainly a failure of targeteering, but that also demonstrated the pitfalls of not having a legitimate protocol for analysis.

The multiple universes project was much better, I believe it worked out better because the tasking was done coherently by Lyn Buchanan and Glenn Wheaton. I don’t believe it necessarily made the case for multiple universes. I think it just made the case for a real person tasking one target (in this case near future targets) with focus and intent.

All that aside, Courtney has put a lot of heroic work into his projects, and the overall benefit has been some very good recognition for remote viewing. He should get the RV “Person Of The Year” award, in my opinion.

Another benefit of the mysteries project is the emergence of Debra as a new star in the RV world. Sort of like Alex Rodriquez- he was always a great baseball player but when he finally stepped up on the big stage in the last world series (MVP) everyone finally acknowledged him. Debra is the MVP of the last Mysteries target. Certainly in the RV Hall Of Fame for the asteroid/exploding planet work.

I wonder where the CRV viewers are, and why they are not taking part? Lyn is fully involved in the projects. Where are his viewers?

And I would urge this. If we do more work, I would like to see HRVG do low level consensus analysis and submit a “working notes”/”Scenarios” entry based on multiple HRVG sessions for any further targets.

And personally, I would like to harness some of this RV horsepower for some projects I have in mind. But I can’t task myself, so I work whatever targets come along.

I would hope Courtney has had enough off planet targets that don’t involve human activity.

So to recap: Courtney gets the RV Person of the Year Award.
Debra gets MVP, and a Hall of Fame nomination.
Still thinking of an award for Daz, lol.


The Question Remains…

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Dick Allgire 2010-08-14

Aloha All,

The question remains, “What do we do?”. While the projects are important and do highlight good work from Hrvg viewers; the number of trained CRV viewers continues to dwindle down to where there is only a self-trained CRV viewer left (Daz) in the published works I.E. Mysteries #2. Whether superior work from Hrvg has run off the CRV viewers, or they are just not interested anymore doesn’t really matter. The fact is that they are just not there, which means Courtney is more or less depending on Hrvg to supply the sessions and that is something that we can’t do. Unless there is participation from the CRV community it would mean that Hrvg is the exclusive viewer pool for an extended number of projects over a period of years and we do not want to commit to that. While I think the world of Dr. Brown we are not his personal asset for these projects.

We need to see what can be done to get the CRV viewers back in the game. As far a Daz goes, I am neither comfortable in associating with someone who has challenged our integrity not do I want to. It is a curiosity that he wants to associate with us considering his attacks on myself and the Guild.


Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Michele To: Glenn B. Wheaton 2010-08-15

I guess then I would have to vote No…not to continue with the Mysteries Project. Not unless Courtney invites Daz to leave. There have to be consequences to these kinds of attacks.

Delete Daz

Reply From: Debra To: Michele 2010-08-15

Enough said.

Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Coen To: Debra 2010-08-17


Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Coen To: Coen 2010-08-17

I am also interested in what others think about this, so please share your thoughts.

There have to be consequences to these kinds of attacks.

The only “consequence” here is, that Courtney is caught in the crossfire. It’s not his fault this happened, yet he is taking the fall for it now. Sure he may not have spoken up, sometimes people just want to stay neutral. Unless this is about “Either you’re with us or you’re with …” fill in the blank. Is this the kind of message you want to send to Courtney? I’m sorry, but I strongly disagree with this. This is like sending a dagger into someone’s heart. It’s not fair to Courtney. It’s not his fault Daz said what he said. To me it looks like what you’re doing here is making Courtney pay a high price for not speaking up, or kicking someone out.


Reply From: Dick Allgire To: Coen 2010-08-17

Everybody relax.

HRVG viewers will continue to do good work.

Courtney Brown will do more projects in the future, and I’m sure HRVG viewers will take part.

Not with Daz.

Glenn sees the long view. I remember 13 years ago he taught us VISUAL IDEOGRAM, not a term ever used by CRV or in the TRV chat room, unless Glenn typed it. (Glenn has thousands of pages of chat logs from that forum, so we could check.)

It’s a long way from Visual Ideogram to Entrainment.

All those years ago Glenn understood Entrainment and knew that, in time, it would be something he could teach us. He patiently waited a decade to introduce the concept. Glenn plans and entrains things a decade out.

If anyone would have said in 1998, “The most important work in civilian remote viewing will be organized by Courtney Brown and dominated by HRVG viewers,” no one would have believed it. You could have gotten 1000 to 1 odds on that one. Those of you who were around RV in 1998, think about that.

The most significant work in RV recently has been organized by Courtney Brown and dominated by HRVG viewers. I’m telling you this is something Glenn intended, and helped make happen.

Daz slandered Glenn and HRVG, and there are consequences. HRVG will hold off for a while on Courtney’s project.

Practice the skill, as Glenn says “Keep your wits about you.” See where everyone is a few years from now.

Joni Dourif slandered Glenn a few years ago. Where is she today?
Joni, Daz. Daz, Joni.

E N T R A I N M E N T.

Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Coen To: Dick Allgire 2010-08-18

What do I say if Courtney wants me to do a target then? He already sent his next project announcement.

Just know that I am not attacking anyone. I respect all of you here. And I appreciate your friendship. I just hate it when these kinds of things happen, because they happen too frequent in my life and I am always more or less caught in the crossfire, trying to keep people talking to one another.

Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Michele To: Coen 2010-08-18

I just hate it when these kinds of things happen, because they happen too frequent in my life and I am always more or less caught in the crossfire, trying to keep people talking to one another.

We all hate it. Based on current events (not slights like 100 years ago), Daz shows no signs of remorse and this is not the first transgression. So what’s going to happen is that we are going to continue to be caught in the crossfire.


I saw your post about Joni and that’s not what I mean about old ‘issues’. I just mean that this decision is made; for me, on Daz’s current behavior and not on things said or done even a year ago. He’s been pushing it for awhile now and not showing any signs of letting up. So, we will just continue to miserable caught in between him and Courtney.

You’re A Free Individual

Reply From: Dick Allgire To: Coen 2010-08-18

What do I say if Courtney wants me to do a target then? He already sent his next project announcement.

Just know that I am not attacking anyone. I respect all of you here. And I appreciate your friendship. I just hate it when these kinds of things happen, because they happen too frequent in my life and I am always more or less caught in the crossfire, trying to keep people talking to one another.

We’re teaching you because you want to learn.

What you do with the skill is up to you entirely. We would never try to tell you what to do with it, what targets you can or can’t work. Our goal is to spread the amazing skill.

If you want to work a target, – any target for any person or group or agency- please do. It won’t change our relationship one little bit.

All we ask in exchange for the training is that you work some targets with us and for us once in a while, and we’re very lenient even on that requirement.


Mysteries Project…

Reply From: Coen To: Dick Allgire 2010-09-03

I understand Dick. Lenient indeed; After reading student requirements on this new website, I feel like I’ve been cut a lot of slack. :o

Aloha Coen…

Reply From: Glenn B. Wheaton To: Coen 2010-09-05

Aloha Coen,
A remote viewing group such as the Guild is a rarity. We enjoy not only camaraderie but trust in our work. Sometimes when we work within the greater community things can turn a bit sour as the case is with Daz Smith. We will continue to pursue new projects involving Dr. Brown but certainly projects where we have a bit more involvement with the design and execution.


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