To Glenn or Debra

To Glenn or Debra

I have an idea what low level analysis is but what
is high level analysis.


Critical Analysis

Reply From: Debra To: Robert 2016-01-22

Hi Robert,

When a viewer gets many, many sessions under their belt, a treasure trove of information into the viewers psyche becomes available for someone who would want to scrutinize the sessions and look for similarities in the way the viewer represents different gestalts.

Glenn’s 2015 IRVA presentation “Target Signatures In Remote Viewing Imagery” will give more insight into advanced analysis of remote viewing sessions.

Intermediate analysis would be using sessions from multiple viewers and isolating the overall theme of each viewers session to give an overview of the target.

Critical analysis is where once the analyst has a library of the RVers work, he or she can conduct analysis and recover the remote viewers lexicon being used to describe gestalts.

Over the years there have been several postings regarding critical analysis. Please try to go through the archives for a more in depth explanation.



To Glenn or Debra

Reply From: Robert To: Debra 2016-01-23


I have seen Analysis Project (IXLY-VDDR) PDF Presentation, on the HRVG board.

I would like to see an example of HIGH level analysis.

ALSO when are we going to see new examples of other peoples work posted. Nothing has been posted on the board since 2012.

BTW…I have three pother email address for you. I can’t remember which of them is no longer in use. Please Email me again.


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