Ahmed Ressam

Where was Ahmed Ressam taking his bomb?

An MJ001 Target Presentation

Target ID: I2S2-A1T4

Target Cue: Ahmed Ressam / Destination in the United States / Near Past

Subcue: The Intended destination within the United States of Ahmed Ressam at the time of his arrest at the US/Canadian Border.


This target demonstrates the manner in which remote viewing may be employed as an intelligence gathering tool. The question posed by the tasking was simple: Where was Ahmed Ressam taking his bomb?

Ahmed Ressam, a 32-year-old Algerian, was arrested on December 14, 1999 in Port Angeles, Washington. He was allegedly trying to smuggle bomb-making materials into the United States.

NOTE! All targets worked by members of the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild are worked under blind conditions. The Mission Manager, Viewer, Monitor, and Analyst are given ONLY the target ID. (I2S2-A1T4. This is a random alpha/numeric identifier.) The viewers are NOT told anything about the nature of the target. They were not told “You are looking for the intended destination of a terrorist.”

The viewers were Mana, Jason, and Jim. Analysis was done by Dick A. who was also blind to the target. They are among the most experienced viewers at Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, each with a proven record and audit trail of remote viewing work on known validation targets that do have absolute concrete feedback.

This is a target for which there is no immediate concrete feedback on all aspects. Feedback may be obtained from published news reports, court documents, and statements by investigators. If a team of viewers was actually employed by a government agency, for example the FBI, one could assume the remote viewing data would be but one part of the intelligence puzzle, corroborated or enhanced by data from other sources.

The data produced by the 3 viewers is remarkably similar, and the analysis was fairly straightforward. All viewers described and sketched a large American city, and the name “New York” surfaced repeatedly in the work of all three viewers.

In the Playfair data collection matrix both Jim and Jason drew 3 humans in cell A2 (sights). This is an analytically significant bit of data. In fact, officials now say Ahmed Ressam did have two accomplices.

Collateral Data

While the HRVG protocol known as S2 Phonics is mainly a dumping ground for words or ideas that are nagging the viewer, and not considered data, some interesting things sometimes surface here. In Jim K’s Phonics you can see the words “Ahmed,” and “Canada.” Out of all the words in the English language, Jim named the target.

In Jim’s S-7 Annex B he wrote “City, New York.” He also wrote “Human, foreign fanatic, Mostafa.” One of the accomplices arrested with Ressam was a man named “Mustapha.”

Jason drew a truck bomb in his session. Mana also drew a truck. And in the S-5 Monitored portion of her session Mana saw a man working on what appeared to be a bomb, and she described a “timing device.”

All three viewers got very high “tally scores” meaning the analyst judged a high percentage of their data to be congruent to target. The serious practitioner of remote viewing might want to look carefully at all the sessions. There is a lot of very interesting data throughout the work.

Grand Jury Indicts 2 Men In Connection With Terrorist Plot Uncovered During Border Arrests By Sharon L. Crenson / The Associated Press

N E W Y O R K, Jan. 19 – A federal grand jury has indicted two men in connection with a terrorist plot uncovered when an Algerian man and others were arrested trying to enter the United States at the end of last year. Abdel Ghani Meskini, 31, and Mokhtar Haouari were indicted earlier this month for violations of the federal law against providing material support to terrorists. The indictments were unsealed in U.S. District Court late Tuesday.

All three viewers clearly described New York in their work. The New York connection to Ressam has been played out prominently in new coverage of the case:

Cities Prepare for Worst ABCNEWS.com Dec. 24

U.S. Warned That Terrorists May Target D.C., N.Y., Seattle As many as 60,000 revelers had been expected for a millennium bash at the base of Seattle’s Space Needle. Fewer people may attend New Year’s Eve celebration after an Algerian allegedly tried to smuggle a trunkful of explosives from Canada. Officials in three major U.S. cities that may be at higher risk for New Year’s Eve terrorist actions are taking steps to boost security and alter – and even possibly cancel – some of their millennial celebrations. U.S. intelligence officials told ABCNEWS on Wednesday they had received unverified warnings that teams of terrorists are planning to enter the United States and assemble bombs in New York, Washington, D.C., and Seattle around the start of the new year.

Another New York link emerges in the news coverage:

The Plot Thickens ABCNEWS.com Dec. 30

Brooklyn Man Charged With Aiding Algerian Terror Suspect Law enforcement officals enter the building of a suspect in the Brooklyn borough of New York, who was arrested on an unspecified federal charge. A Brooklyn man of Algerian descent was charged today with providing support to an Algerian national who authorities say was caught trying to smuggle a cache of explosive materials into Washington state from Canada.

Viewer’s Session

Data Extraction Matrix

Manager’s Session

Working Notes

  • An aspect of the target involves a vertical structure/structures.
  • An aspect of the target is complex, manmade, and dynamic.
  • An aspect of the target is complex, manmade, and static.
  • There may be an oval shape present at the target.
  • There are multiple humans present at this target.
  • One or more motor vehicles are present at the target.
  • There is a roadway or path at the target.
  • There may be shuffling sounds associated with the target.
  • The sounds of horns, traffic, and engines are present at the target.
  • There may be a smell of smoke/burning.
  • They may be a smell of rubber.
  • Cool temperatures are present at the target.
  • There may be something with cold temperatures at the target.
  • There may be something hot at the target.
  • The target may involve a single motor vehicle.
  • There are multiple tall structures at the target.
  • The target may involve a person or people in motion.
  • The target location is a city and may be crowded, with traffic and is probably noisy.
  • There are multiple tall buildings at this target.
  • The target may involve a central human.
  • There is vehicle traffic near a large structure.
  • The may be sounds associated with a vehicle at the target.
  • There may be multiple humans (3) at this target walking on a patterned manmade pathway.
  • There may be an aspect of energy at this target.
  • The target may involve something “contained” or in a container.
  • There may be an explosive device or bomb associated with the target.
  • The target is likely an American City. (New York was named by JimK. in Annex B, New York was named by Jason in S-2Phonics. Mana named New York in S-2Phonics and Structure 2.)
  • The target may involve a central human pushing a wheeled container

Analyst’s Logbook

Sunday, December 19, 1999Mission Manager receives target ID.
Thursday, December 23, 1999Jim Views.
Tuesday, December 28, 1999Jason views.
Thursday, December 30, 1999MJ001V views.
Thursday, December 30, 1999Analyst receives skeds.
Saturday, January 01, 2000Analyst hands in working notes and scenarios.
Sunday, January 02, 2000Receive feedback.
Tally Scores# Data Points# Congruent% Rate

Monitor’s Session


Scenario 1

The target location is a city. There are multiple tall buildings at this site. The environment is crowded and noisy, with motor vehicle traffic and many people. The target involves a group of people (possibly 3) in motion on a manmade pathway. There may be some type of “contained” energy associated with the target.

Scenario 2

The target location is a large American city in a cool climate. (possibly New York City) There are multiple tall buildings and the environment is crowded and noisy, with motor vehicle traffic and many people. A central human is at the entrance/exit of a large building. The person is pushing a wheeled container. The target may also involve a single motor vehicle. There is a bomb or explosive device planted at the target.

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