

From the stream of posts I see Telepathic overlay as a kind of Psycho-kinesis where one subject telepathically gives something to another subject to influence them in some manner, can you say Jedi Mind trick, a feat indeed.(or the same in reverse, recieves something)

I also see it as simple psychic functioning, like the old radio wave thing, you run into a subject and you are on the same vibration and you "communicate" or tag them.

Am I getting this right?

That your saying that this Telepathis overlay does not exist?

If so what is the difference between T.O. and Tagging?


Re: T.O.

Reply From: Glenn Wheaton To: Brian 2000-07-03

ALoha Brian,

Telepathic Overlay has not been demonstrated or shown to actually exist. It is a buzz word being bandied about but there is no evidence to substanciate that is is a real effect as some people claim.

As to the difference between the possibility of Telepathic Overlay and Tagging. I have been after Dick to publish the results from his last Tagging exercise.

Tagging is intent based short duration contact to derive RV data without a complete RV session. I think the results from Dicks Tagging session illustrates this nicely.

Aloha Glenn

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