Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Remote Viewing and the Guild.

The Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild will accept targets from members of the Guild and from others interested in the subject of remote viewing.

A “target” is the subject of remote viewing.

The Hawaii Remote Viewer’s Guild (HRVG), requires that targets submitted for viewing by the guild members or the general public have certain qualities. These qualities relate to ethical and personal preferences of the viewers and also to the nature of remote viewing. Improperly selected targets decrease the ability of viewers to produce good results. Also, this is a very personal experience for HRVG viewers. We will not view subjects that we have decided are objectionable.

The following will give you an idea of what qualities a target should or shouldn’t have and what needs to be provided by a person requesting that we remote view for them.

We ask that anyone submitting a target show respect for those that will be doing the work by following our guidelines with the utmost honesty.

A target must be something that can be validated, such as:

  • A historical event
  • A scientific, or technical object.
  • A real object of a search or a mystery
  • A future or predictive event that has a high degree of probability i.e. “The half time event of the next Superbowl”
  • A person
  • A current event
  • An architectural structure
  • A landscape feature

A target must not be:

· Overly broad, a generalization or non-specific i.e. “The one millionth gallon of water in the Pacific Ocean”

  • A concept
  • Sexually perverse or strictly for sexual entertainment value
  • An unsubstantiated sensational, imaginary or fantastic event(not verifiable)
  • Trivial
  • Evil (We don’t do Satan or evil events real or mythical.)
  • Something, the viewing which, would be considered unethical or criminal
  • Anything that would tend to compromise U.S. national security
  • Primarily of an esoteric nature that can not be validated i.e. “God, current location”

You must provide a representation of the target, some examples:

  • A photograph
  • Physical object (i.e. amulet, etc)
  • Literal description
  • An article
  • An excerpt from a book
  • A written description
  • Electronic media
  • A video tape of a real event. (must not be altered or edited)

We need to know the WHO, WHAT WHEN, WHERE information as accurately as possible. Include a narrative of what specifically is to be viewed.

E-mail submission can be done by downloading and sending a filled out copy of the HRVG Target Application form and emailing it to as an attachment. Attach any graphics files to the e-mail. DO NOT describe the target in the body of the e-mail. I will pass the unopened attachments to a targeteer for evaluation and cueing. For additional security, you may send your targets to me in encrypted format using *Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). *Registered Trademark, Network Associates, Inc.

The Targeting Committee’s job is to maintain a chain of custody of target information. None of the people working the target will know anything about it until after all sessions have been turned in and analyzed. We take this very seriously, because it is the basis of our credibility as remote viewers.

When a visitor goes to the session’s section on our website, you see a bunch of thumbnails of the session work produced by the viewer. The following is not intended to be instruction. It is just a limited guide to let the visitor understand the data better.

The pages of data will number between 1 and 20 or so. The pages are grouped in the following order.

VISIDS (visual ideograms) are a recording of imagery that the viewer actually sees or perceives during a drill called Blackboard.

SPONIDS (spontaneous ideograms) are spontaneously generated ideograms. They are executed very quickly (1/2 second). Once completed, they are probed with the pen for the following data;

PL: (probe Legend) Is the target Complex or Simplex? This is a sensing probe for the density of data.

B: (Baseline) or (Basic) Is the target hard, soft, semi-hard, semi-soft etc.

I: (Intermediate) Is the target man-made, natural, or artificial?

A: (Advanced) Is the target dynamic or static?

PLAYFAIR is a 3D-collection matrix used to extract data from the SPONIDS. The matrix consists of rows and columns. Rows are a, b, c, etc. Columns are 1, 2, 3, etc. The blocks where data is recorded are called cells, IE, cell A1 will be the first sights cell in column 1.

All data collected from probing the SPONIDS are checked against all other column titles. That is to say, a sight collected on Blackboard while probing Sponid 1 will be probed to see if it makes sounds, smells, tastes, or has a temperature and texture. You will see a shaded area in some cells; this marker lets the analyst know where a data thread originated. Everything is checked against everything else.

S2 NIMO PLAYFAIR is a matrix used the same as in Playfair except that instead of probing the SPONIDS for the data, the viewer probes NIMO (neuro interrogation mask overlay). This probing is just a bit more complex because not only do you probe the Nimo icon but also you emulate the NLP recall or construct body language while probing. This data falls under three levels, visual, audio, and kinesthetic. There is, in addition, a P column or phase line. The viewer can comment here as to what the data thread means. If a sight was generated with sounds associated with it, then a comment may be something like, this device is on or off, passive, dynamic, static, etc.

The overall premise of S2 is that the viewer has had plenty of contact with the signal line from Visids to Playfair and is now modeling data within the memory of that contact and putting the mind and body in the proper alignment to recall and quantify it.

S2 PHONICS is where we dump the sounds and words out of our heads picked up along the way so far. This is not where you think of new words but where the words in your mind are dumped.

S3 Consolidation  is where the data collected so far is consolidated onto a single page. This can be in the form of a site sketch annotated with data or a simple logical placement of data and graphics.

CASCADE is where we capture impressions and visuals. A legend is made of major aspects of the collected work from the S3. The legend allows for individual aspects of the target to be isolated and taken to Blackboard for visual acquisition and a cascade galley to be bounced off Nimo for probes and impressions. If there is a structure 1 in the cascade legend, it will have a blackboard visual page sketch and a cascade galley structure 1 for impressions from probing Nimo in recall posture from the target visit in Blackboard.

Edging is where the viewer does 22 to 25 cycles of a breathing exercise to off-gas carbon dioxide. When the cycles are done, the viewer comes to a complete stop, does not move a muscle, does not breathe, just a very intense focus on Blackboard for visual data. This focused look can last up to 30 seconds.

S5 MORPHEUS begins with the viewer doing a priming drill (pushing Blackboard) to drive down the awareness of the primary consciousness to the low alpha level bordering on high theta. Once there, a monitor is needed. The group is currently learning to drive the awareness down. Monitoring will begin very soon. More will follow then.

Fan fold, perforated paper:

Office Choice 20 lb. #813311, 2300 sheets, $25.99


Tops Steno Books #8011, 12 pack, $10.99


Uniball Vision .3 mm (light gray), box of 12, $13.99

Target Envelopes:

Colombian Recycled 6.5X9.5, qty 100, $7.19

File folders:

Smead File Folders, qty 100, $3.99

Hanging File Folders:

Smead Hanging File Folders #64055, qty 25, $3.79

Storage File Box:

Oxford Deco Crate, letter/legal size (green), $7.49

Or file cabinets

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