Interview of Dick Allgire on Coast to Coast

Interview of Dick Allgire on Coast to Coast AM with Mike Siegel

Air Date: 2000-09-21

MS: Well ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna have a great program here, thanks to Dick Allgire, who is a fellow I met in Mesquite, Nevada. We talked for a few minutes, he had impressive materials he gave me, and talked about his own involvement in this remote viewing. What particularly struck me was his being involved in the television journalism field, and having come, in effect, from a very mainstream background, and I think this is gonna be incredibly fascinating, in regard to this whole issue of remote viewing. So, first of all, Dick, how are you?

DA: I’m good, Mike, it’s a great pleasure to be on Mike Siegel’s Coast-to-Coast.

MS: Well, it’s great to have you here, and it took us a while, but we did say we were gonna do this, right?

DA: Yeah, thanks for having me on. Hey, it was a pleasure meeting you at the Remote Viewing Conference in Nevada last spring. I think your listeners should know that you do your homework. I watched you there at the conference with your computer, outlining presentations and taking notes. I know you go to other conferences too, and look in on other topics. So, your listeners should know that you do your homework and you know your stuff.

MS: Well, thank you Dick, very much, I appreciate that. I’m particularly interested in this program because you come out of a very mainstream background, rather (unique?) (1-2 words garbled). Why don’t you tell us a little bit about it?

DA: Well, I’ve been a television newscaster and news reporter for 25 years. I grew up in Salt Lake City, and I did the news there.

In 1985, one very cold, bleak, gray, desolate, freezing day in January, I visited Hawaii. I’d always had dreams of tropical lagoons, even though I’d never been to the tropics, and when I got off the plane, in Hawaii, I took one look, and I said, “I’m home.” And so, I stayed here. I went back, packed up, and moved over here, and I’ve been doing the news here since 1985, and have a strong, mainstream news background.

MS: Now, let’s go from there, into your getting involved in this whole, fascinating field of remote viewing. Talk about how you got into that.

DA: Well, I heard about remote viewing [when it] made the news in 1995, when the Nightline program broke. Then I heard about it on Coast-to-Coast. I heard remote viewers like Ed Dames and Joe McMoneagle, and I heard Courtney Brown. I remember one very fascinating program that Art had with the three Eagles, Paul Smith, Joe McMoneagle, and Lynn Buchanan. I thought, early on, when I first heard about it, that this was something that only some super psychic could do. As I listened to Coast-to-Coast more and more, and heard that this is something that maybe normal people could learn, I went on a quest. I decided that I had to learn this. So, I started educating myself about it, I started reading about it. I attended Courtney Brown’s Farsight Institute. I went over to the Big Island and met Ed Dames, and spoke with him. I studied some tape courses. Then in 1997, I met a military remote viewer who lives here on Oahu, and luckily enough, he’s been teaching us for free, in person – extended training. So, that’s where I learned my stuff, from him.

MS: Now, you also have been involved with a number of other people who have gotten into remote viewing, and you’re very much involved in an organization about remote viewing. What about that?

DA: Yes, we have what’s called the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. This is a group of people that have been training here in Hawaii, we’ve run about 150 people through. We have a number of active viewers. The guild itself is a nonprofit organization. We’re an approved nonprofit on both the federal and the state level, we were granted a 501-C3. It’s a skills-based association of people who are interested in research and development of remote viewing. So what we do is, we study and evaluate remote viewing methodologies from the various schools, and we remote view targets of common interest. We have a lot of interesting people in the guild. We have members of the military, we have people with advanced college degrees, we have people in communication, like myself. We all hold regular jobs, we’re all part-time viewers. Oh, and I’ve gotta say, that we’re not in it for the money, I won’t be selling anything tonight. We don’t sell tapes or books. No one in the guild receives any salary or compensation, we’re just in it to remote view.

MS: All right, well, let’s cover a couple of things here. What’s your feeling about the accuracy of remote viewing? I would imagine, as with anything else, it depends on the quality of the remote viewer.

DA: It does, but there’s been some misinformation in the media about remote viewing, and that dates back to that Nightline show in 1995 with Ted Koppel. They broke the story of the government remote viewing program, and they quoted a CIA report which is the (Ayer?) report. One of the reasons that was given for the remote viewing program at Fort Meade being abandoned was the accuracy. They said, well, this works, but it’s not all that reliable. And they said, oh, the remote viewing accuracy is about 15%. I can tell you, that if you take the operational remote viewers at Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild – if you take me – on our worst day, we’re better than 15% accurate. On operational double-blind targets, that are done in front of witnesses, I regularly fall somewhere between 60-90% accuracy. Now, all remote viewers have cycles of contact. There are times when you don’t hit the target. There are days when it just doesn’t work. But when you hit the target, when you’re doing it right, you can be between 60-90%. We actually published tally scores, Mike, on all of our operational sessions, so you can look at the raw data, you can look at the analysis, and then go look at the tally score. We post all this on our website. What we do is we identify all the informative points in a session, then we validate each one and make a decision on whether or not it’s congruent to the target. We go through every bit of data in a session. We look at this sketch – is it congruent to the target? We look at this description of a sound – was that sound present at the target? From that we calculate a percentage of good data. If people go to our website and look at the operational targets, you can see our percentages. So, I’ve given you kind of a long answer here, but the accuracy should be somewhere between 60, 70, 80, up in the 90’s.

MS: Alright, now, I know that’s your success rate, and you’re a very focused fellow. Is that typical of anyone who would do this with the same level of concentration and effort you’ve put in?

DA: Anybody within the guild, yes, we have other members in the guild that actually have, operationally, been – I just did analysis on one of our viewers named Valtra. I rated her like 98% on a couple of her recent sessions. So, commonly, within the guild, with trained remote viewers, yes, that accuracy rate can be expected.

MS: Now, how do the people in your group get the training? Who does the training?

DA: The chief instructor is a guy named Glenn Wheaton. He remote viewed in the military for about 20 years. What we do is, we hold weekly classes. Now, the classes are free – we don’t charge for them, Glenn doesn’t charge for them. He’s prohibited from doing that by his non-disclosure agreement, which is still in effect, with the military. We hold a weekly class, and at one time, I was taking two classes a week that were about three to four hours. Right now, we meet once a week, for two to three to four hours. So it’s face-to-face, in-class instruction.

We’ve also been experimenting to see if we can teach this over the internet. We have on-line training, and we’re seeing if we can train some viewers via the internet. We’ve had some success with that. But the majority of our training, Mike, is in the classroom, face-to-face with an instructor.

MS: Now, let me ask you, Dick, about the different approach people take. We had Russell Targ here about the spiritual impact, and of course, he was at that conference with you and I, talking about the spiritual element of remote viewing. Others, Ed Dames as I understand when I talk to him, take a much more concrete and harder approach to remote viewing. What about those differences? What’s your view about that?

DA: Well, maybe we better talk a bit about what remote viewing is. We haven’t really defined that for the listeners.

MS: I think this audience probably has a better handle than either you or I. (chuckles)

DA: Yeah, they probably do –

MS: Go ahead, that would be fine.

DA: Let me quote Joe McMoneagle, and I think for any of the listeners that aren’t familiar with remote viewing, there’s a book they should probably get. And as a non-profit, I think I can plug this, we’re not getting any money – but that would be Joe McMoneagle’s Remote Viewing Secrets. That is the best book, if you want to learn about remote viewing, in my opinion. In that book, Joe McMoneagle has as good a definition as any. He says it’s “the ability to produce information that is correct, about a place, event, person, or object, located somewhere in time or space, which is completely blind to the remote viewer.” Now, my own definition, and the definition of the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, would be: remote viewing is an advanced communication skill. The goal is to create and maintain a pathway between the alert mind and the subconscious mind, so that you can, on demand, have moments of non-local awareness. So, what remote viewing is, is it’s just communication with your subconscious awareness. People have been doing this throughout the ages. Human beings have a subconscious awareness; they have access to non-local awareness, to non-local information. So, there are many different ways to do that. The protocols or methodologies may differ –

MS: We’ll pick that up, Dick, when we come back. We have Dick Allgire with us, Mike Siegel with Coast-to-Coast AM, we’ll get more of that on remote viewing, stay with us.

[commercial break]

MS: We’re back with you folks, and it is a pleasure to be here. We’re gonna get into a whole lot of things with Dick Allgire, who’s with us on the program, as a remote viewer, he’s with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. As he said earlier, and indicated to us, he’s probably 60-90% successful in his remote viewing. We’ll get into a variety of areas during this conversation, and of course we’ll get to your calls as well. We’ll get into things like UFO remote viewing, and whether, in fact, there has been any determination of what’s out there, alien life. We’ll talk about the JFK assassination. We’ll talk about military remote viewing, and the whole area that is really so fascinating. And even the case of a little boy, a six-year-old boy who is missing, we’ll get into that as well, a little boy by the name of Peter-boy Kima. So, with that, stay with us, because we’re gonna get a whole lot of conversation here. By the way, let me just mention, if you would like to fax us as we go along, that number is (206) 325-4500. If you want to reach us through the website,, you can get to the Fast Blast and ask a very brief question, we get some of those on every night. If you want to take a look at the images that Dick Allgire has supplied us for this program, they’re at the website, you can take a look at those, and link on over to his website as well. Mike Siegel here, Coast-to-Coast AM is where you are, stay with us.


MS: I don’t know who’s choosing the music, but man, we’ve got some great music on this program, I’ll tell you that. [Bumper music was selected by HRVG. :) ] We go right back with Dick Allgire, who is a remote viewer with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. Dick, I wanted to get back to that point that we were beginning to cover before the break, and that is, the distinctions between the more esoteric approach to remote viewing spirituality, and the issue of very concrete, hard and fast, strict rules of remote viewing. What’s your sense about that conversation, that debate, if you will?

DA: Well, the military needed structure, that’s just the way the military is, so that’s the way they did it. They also needed data that they could analyze. I want to talk a lot about analysis a little bit later on, but the more freeform style of remote viewing doesn’t lend itself to analysis. It’s also, for me – I wasn’t really psychic before I started this. So, when you sit down, and you’re given nothing more than a target ID, it’s a little bit daunting to think, I’m going to describe this and draw this. When you have the rigorous structure, that’s what drives the session. Before we do a session, our instructor always says, “Let the protocols drive the data. Don’t make this up as you go along.” There are certain points where you stop, and you allow this brief communication with your subconscious. So, for me, the structured protocols really help. But there are other people, who are maybe a bit more spiritually evolved, that can do it without the structured protocols.

MS: Is there a difference in purpose? For example, if you’re trying to find a lost child, if you’re trying to find a military target, if you’re trying to find life on another planet, I would assume that requires a great deal of following of the rules and some structure. But are there other mechanisms or other objectives of remote viewing that would allow for a freer, spiritual flow? What would those be?

DA: Well, I’ve got to tell you a little bit about our methodology. The first half of our session is very structured. When you’re in the alert, beta state of consciousness, like you and I are now, we’re having a conversation, I’m very alert because I’m on the radio – in that alert, awake consciousness, you are limited to a very brief communication with your subconscious awareness. If I were to say to you, Mike, and to all the listeners, “Think for a moment – just sit here, and try to remember what a banana smells like.” You can almost do that for just an instant, but you can’t hold it. When you’re remote viewing in an alert, conscious state, you’re limited to about 1.5 seconds of communication with your subconscious awareness. So, you need this rapid fire drill, you need this structure. You also need something to keep your conscious mind busy, because your conscious mind wants to butt in and tell you what the target is. You need to set your conscious mind aside, so we have these drills, we have this very strict methodology to keep the conscious mind busy while we allow for communication with the sub[conscious]. Now, in our methodology, we do that for about 45 minutes to 50 minutes to an hour. Then there’s a point where we put down the pen and paper, and we do a drill to drive our primary awareness down. We go into what is called the high theta state, that’s the state between asleep and awake. Then, it is more freeform, you need a monitor to keep you on target. That’s where the real experiential, you’re there, you’re seeing it, remote viewing happens.

MS: So, you have to be in a relaxed state in order to allow the sensory images into your system, into your mind, so you can see what you’re trying to remote view.

DA: Absolutely.

MS: Okay.

DA: Can I tell a quick story, before I forget?

MS: Sure.

DA: A couple of weeks ago you had Seth Shostak on, from SETI. A very smart guy, and interesting guest, knows his stuff about astronomy, but he was skeptical about remote viewing. I taped [the program] and wrote this down – he was poo-pooing remote viewing – and he said “If there is any effect at all – and it is an extremely weak effect – the best evidence that it is a weak effect, that remote viewing is weak, is that you can go to Las Vegas and continue to lose.”

Well, I’ve got a story for Seth. When we went to the remote viewing conference in Nevada last spring, I walked into a casino with a fellow remote viewer, someone who is very good, and he looked around and he said to me, “Hey Dick, I need to find a slot machine with a bow tie on it.” I said, “What?” [He said] “I need a slot machine with a picture of a bow tie.” And I said, “Glenn, what do you mean? Did you …?” And he said, “Yeah, I remote viewed the machine that is going to pay off for me.” What he did is, we call it tagging. It’s just a very quick remote viewing session. His cue to his subconscious was, what’s the imagery, what’s the picture on the machine that is going to pay the big payoff, and he saw a bow tie. Well, okay, I had to see this. So, I’m walking through the casino, looking around, go up to the second floor, and there is – this was at the place in Mesquite, where we stayed – and there is a slot machine with (a bow?) called Black Tie, and the payoff is three black bow ties.

MS: My goodness.

DA: So I went to Glenn, and I said, “Hey Glenn, I found the machine.” This was after I’d taken $100 out of it, by the way.

MS: So you did okay?

DA: I watched him take $1600 out of that in about an hour and a half.

MS: Amazing.

DA: Then, we were sitting at dinner and he took a Kino ticket, and he’d never played Kino, and he said, “What’s this game?” and we explained how it works, you pick some numbers. So, he did this little sweeping motion that he calls tagging, and he went over and marked eight numbers, and had he bet $10 on that – we all watched it, before the numbers came up – he would have got $1000.

MS: He didn’t do it though, huh?

DA: No, he didn’t. We were busy doing something else. But we have been working on Kino in the guild – maybe I shouldn’t say this, (chuckles) because we’re going back to the conference (2-3 words talked over by MS) –

MS: (chuckles) They’re going to watch for you.

DA: – we’re honing our skills at this, so we hope to prove Seth Shostak wrong.

MS: Based on what you just told me, you already have, in one case.

DA: I saw it with my own two eyes. Just the fact that he could tell me in advance that there was a bow tie – which was there – I mean, he hadn’t been to Vegas in years, how would he even know that? Let alone to know that that was going to be the payoff. That’s remote viewing in the real world.

MS: Yeah, that’s pretty concrete, if you ask me. Now, we’ll get to some of these specific examples, but I want to ask you about – with all the work that you’ve put into this, you’ve got a good sense and grasp of remote viewing – what about the ethical and moral questions? These came up at that Mesquite conference. The questions about whether people should use these for benevolent purposes, for purposes of self-interest in terms of business, maybe seeing where the stock market is going to go, or some other situation in a business sense. What’s your feeling about – should there be, are there ethical or moral standards for remote viewers?

DA: Well, we do have ethical and moral standards in the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. We have listed on our website the types of targets we don’t work. Some of them are not because of ethical or moral questions, they’re just more practical things. For example, we don’t remote view things that are overly broad, we don’t do a generalization or something – for example, we wouldn’t want to remote view the millionth gallon of water in the Pacific Ocean, that would be a waste of time. We don’t remote view sexually perverse or things of a prurient interest, anything sexual, strictly for entertainment value. We actually have a target committee chair who approves targets before they’re worked by the guild, so they have to meet these guidelines before we can work them. We don’t do evil things, either real events or mythical. We don’t do anything, the viewing of which would be considered unethical or criminal. We don’t do anything that would tend to compromise U.S. national security. So, yes, there are ethical questions involved, because there really are no limits to remote viewing. If you want to find something out, you can find it out. If you target it correctly, and you task good remote viewers against it, work it as a project and do the analysis, you can find it out. So, we are concerned about the ethical questions. And I know some of the other remote viewers are. I’m hoping that will be addressed by the – there is a new organization called the IRVA, the International Remote Viewing Association, Paul Smith is (going) to spearhead that. That’s the kind of thing that organization will look into. Most remote viewers that I know are a bit more evolved, so they’re usually pretty ethical people, I would hope.

MS: But there’s a hypothetical here that could be a reality, maybe it has been, and that would be this. Supposing a very wealthy industrialist has a child kidnapped, and that person obviously wants his child back, comes to a remote viewer – you have the, certainly, the qualification and certification, somebody like yourself, and he says, hands you a piece of paper, and there’s a check made out for a million dollars, made out to you, “Find my child.” What happens?

DA: Well, we can’t accept money, because we’re a nonprofit organization, we have the 501-C, we’re a federal and state nonprofit. We don’t remote view for money. We do missing child cases. We just posted one on the website, we have another one coming. We’ve done a number of those, and other remote viewers have. And Ed Dames has his project, Goldeneye; Lynn Buchanan has his Assigned Witness program. So, this is a good use of remote viewing, and I think you’re gonna see more of it, as organizations get their ability up and running to do this.

MS: But you know, Dick, that somebody who has your skill is going to be vulnerable and susceptible and willing to sell those services for that enormous amount of money. Now, I’m not even judging whether that’s good or bad, I don’t know. If the industrialist can afford it, maybe it’s not a problem. I’m just trying to get a handle from you on whether this should be – at any point in time do you ever see it becoming a commercial enterprise?

DA: It probably could, and those ethical questions will be there. We had a remote viewer in our guild that we trained for a couple of years, who is very good, who just left us, has no more communication with us. She is working for a goodly sum of money, we understand. That caused some consternation. Our president was not real pleased that he trained her to the level of her qualification, and then someone else hired her away. He doesn’t begrudge her making the money, because she needed the money, but we lost a good viewer – for the money.

MS: So it’s a tough question, whether or not it’s going to be dealt with down the road as time goes by.

DA: Absolutely.

MS: Let me get to some of the specifics. You sent me a piece about a six-year-old boy, and it was written up in the Honolulu newspaper, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Tell us about that – Peter-boy Kima.

DA: Peter-boy Kima. Let me reiterate again that doing missing children cases is a noble use of remote viewing. We were going to try to put this raw data up on our website. I wanted to be able to say to you, Mike, that everything we talk about tonight, all the raw data, all the analysis is up on our website. But, we were just overcome by time and events and were not able to get this one up. I’m still going to talk about it, but everything else we talk about tonight, we publish our data. That’s something that’s not been done in the remote viewing community, I’ll talk a little bit more about that later.

Peter-boy Kima. He was six years old. This is one of the most infamous cases in Hawaii, I’m well familiar with it as a newscaster, we’ve covered it for several years. Peter-boy was six years old and he disappeared in April of 1997. He lived on the Big Island. The Big Island, for those of you not familiar with Hawaii, is the largest island, it’s not Honolulu, where we’re located. Now, his parents say they left him in the care of a woman named Auntie Rose, who took him to Honolulu, to Oahu, and he was never seen again. This case languished, and at the time we worked it, it was not really an active criminal investigation. What happened was, a private investigator was looking into the case, and he became aware of the work that we do, and so we did some work for him. We worked it several times as a class project.

Now, this is worked totally blind. When we go into class, the target can be anything. We’re not told, oh, we have a big project for an investigator tonight, we’re doing a missing child. No, we go in and it could anything, anytime, anywhere. All we’re given is an eight element alpha-numeric identifier. What happens when a bunch of remote viewers work a target like this, the mood becomes very somber. We’re usually, after we work a target, very up and we want to get feedback, and we’re excited, and [asking each other] “What did you get?” and “What was your data?” Well, after we worked this, we all came out of the classroom [saying] “Oh, what was that?” “I don’t think that was very good.” So our data – and I should stress this is the result of numerous sessions by more than a dozen viewers, run through analysis – our data indicates that the boy is deceased, he was killed by a man. One of our viewers drew a man digging the shallow grave that the boy was buried in, the boy was slung over his shoulder. I saw him being driven in a car, the man was very panicked, they drove him out to a remote location. He was buried in a shallow grave, wrapped in a tarp with a toy, I think it’s a teddy bear, and the location is Mauna Kea State Park near Pohakaloa on the Big Island. Now, I sent you that police report, our data was included in the official police report, and it was published in the local newspaper here.

MS: Didn’t he also – one of your viewers see him choke the boy to death after hitting him on the head?

DA: I believe so. I’d need to see the – I have so many sessions running through my head, but I think so. Yeah, he was choked, that’s right.

MS: That was part of the report, so, it’s that precise. Now, does this help to capture the person who committed the crime?

DA: Not yet. A grand jury is looking into the case. What they need to do is they need to find the boy’s remains. Investigators have gone to the area that we determined to be the probable location. We narrowed it down to an area of 800 meters by 2 kilometers. We have methodology and protocols for determining location. The problem is, the investigators don’t have the resources to conduct a proper search – they need special dogs. We’re hoping something will break on this, and hopefully, this will be resolved, and the case will come to an end, and it will provide some feedback for us.

MS. Well, let’s hope that happens, so that (1 word garbled/talked over).

DA: What is significant about is the fact that it was acknowledged by the police and written up in the major daily newspaper, that our work was acknowledged, and the fact that we were able to provide location data.

MS: Very important point too. That may help them in this investigation as you suggested, since you’ve narrowed it down to that small an area.

We will come back with Dick Allgire, this is obviously very interesting, and a great perspective on use of remote viewing. We’ll get into a lot of other areas, as I mentioned, including UFOlogy, aliens, if they’re out there, according to the remote viewers, and we’ll talk more about other cases that they’ve been involved with as well, at the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. A variety of things, including Amelia Earhart, the JFK assassination, and a number of other things. Mike Siegel of Coast-to-Coast AM, we’re back to you after the news, stay with us.


MS: We’re back with you folks, good to be here, as always, we appreciate you being here. We are talking with Dick Allgire, who is with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. He’s gotten into remote viewing rather intensely. He is a journalist, a very, very distinguished journalist, as a matter of fact, and got into this field, and has really made it, I guess I’d call it an avocation, he treats it very professionally, with a very strong sense of values about remote viewing. We really appreciate his being with us on the program, and talking with us about some of these issues.

On the website,, nine of the images that have been part of the process of the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild are there, thanks to Dick. We come back with Dick Allgire – Mike Siegel, Coast-to-Coast AM, stay with us.


MS: Hi folks, we’re back at it. Let’s get right to some of these events that Dick Allgire is going to talk to us about, and see what remote viewing has happened, maybe some things he’s seen that he wants to tell us about for the future. First of all, Dick, just as some background – is the military still using this, there’s some controversy about that. Does the military still use remote viewing?

DA: Well, I wouldn’t know that firsthand. I have been told that there are people who have the skill, who have not retired yet. [pregnant silence]

MS: Well, let’s leave it at that, then, they’re still around. Some of the things that you’ve looked into, you and others, I find, actually, quite interesting, and quite fascinating. For example, let’s talk about the notion of alien life. From your own experience personally, and from other remote viewers that you’ve dealt with, what remote viewing has occurred that has dealt with the issue that there is alien life on other planets or in other galaxies, in other solar systems?

DA: We don’t do a lot of that at the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. We’ve done some, I’ll talk about it, but I just need to say that you should only do esoteric targets after you have a long trail of verifiable targets. Because, if you’re going to remote view a distant planet, there’s no feedback, so how do you know if your data is any good? We do them occasionally because they’re fun to work, they challenge the viewer, and they can be interesting, but we pretty much try to stick to down-to-earth projects. So, we’re a little bit conservative on that. We have done some work – in class, we did a really interesting session. Going in, we don’t know anything about the nature of the target, we don’t know if it’s going to be UFO or alien, it’s just a target. One night in class, all the viewers drew something with no structures, but a landform that was very primitive, very harsh conditions, sandstorms, and these very primitive, nomadic humanoids. And it turned out that the target we worked was a planet that they had just found with the Hubble Space Telescope, it was called something like M525, one of those planets that they conjecture is orbiting a distant star. So, we did get some lifeforms there. There’s a session posted on our website that one of the other viewers tasked me against, which was a UFO target, and I got some really interesting data. I was in what we call S-5, experiential, and I saw a disk rise up from behind some trees.

MS: You actually saw this?

DA: I was probing the energy of that thing, and it was beyond anything I could understand, I just got this very clean, very limitless, powerful energy, that was extremely clean.

MS: Describe this further, where do you sense that it was when you saw it?

DA: The craft?

MS: Yes.

DA: The target was closest to Earth, so it was behind – What I saw was a grove of trees, like a stand of trees, I saw this bright flash behind it, and then there were a couple of people standing in front of me, and I saw this disk rise up from behind the trees. What happened was, it played as a kind of a tape loop. I’d see this flash, and then it’d rise up. I’d see this flash, and it’d would rise up. Sometimes it’ll do that, the visuals will cycle through like a tape rewinding and playing, and I was just aware enough that [I was thinking] “Oh, I’m getting the target visuals,” because you’re out of it, you’re in that place between asleep and awake. [Then] somebody’s car alarm started going off, and it brought me out of it. Unfortunate.

MS: Well, that’s too bad. Did you determine that this was, in fact, an alien craft? Were you able to determine that?

DA: No. I’ve got to say, no prudent person believes just one session. And, remote viewing should not be used as a stand-alone intelligence tool. It was never used as a stand-alone tool. So, the data that you get from one viewer during one session is interesting, and it may be more interesting because I have many, down-to-earth, validateable targets that I’ve done, posted on the website, so you can see my history of remote viewing. You can see when I’m on and when I’m off. You can judge my data from that.

One of the viewers did a pretty interesting session on STS-48, that’s that intriguing NASA footage from the space shuttle, where you see the object moving across the horizon, they claimed it was ice crystals. And then something comes up over the Earth, and the object makes a sharp-angled turn and it disappears over the horizon. This was another one done in class, and one of our better viewers named Valtra did this. She generated data that depicted something tracking around a large globe, and then she identified a point of light that was moving. Then she describes another hard, manmade object, that would probably be the space shuttle. And then, she perceived something related to the generation of nuclear power, heard a loud, cracking, popping sound. Then she goes on, and defines a point of light. That point of light that she saw, she looks at that closer, and she sees a rotating disc. Then she perceives a glowing ball of energy coming up off the land. You could ask – was this a pulse weapon? Was it light? Was it some type of projectile? So, her data on this session is very interesting. This would be an interesting project for us to get into, and task more viewers, and run it through analysis. The merits of that session lie in the viewer’s ability to capture enough basic information to take you on to more sessions.

MS: As I understand it, you did remote view a far distant planet, in another solar system, is that right? Maybe not you personally –

DA: Yeah, that was the one I was just telling you about, the M525, with the very primitive, nomadic people living there, really rough. It was real primitive. Not anything that would be traveling to visit us, I wouldn’t think.

MS: But there were beings there?

DA: That’s what our data showed.

MS: Now, you also have some background with Amelia Earhart, who got lost in that airplane flight, and there’s a large project as I understand it about that.

DA: We’re doing a large project on Amelia, and we’re going to have a major publication on that, so I don’t want to say too much about it, but we did just put up on the website earlier this week, our location data. We tasked, I think, twelve viewers, and we have a protocol that enables us to determine location, so we put that up. People can click through, it’s on the front page, our website is linked from the Coast-to-Coast website. You can see where the viewers put her missing Electra. Now, the reason we put that up right now, is because there is a major search underway. Some company, they’re going to be using some satellites, I think. These satellites have capabilities to see things, they’re very good.

MS: Like missing airplanes?DA: Yeah. Even if it’s on the bottom of the ocean floor, very deep – it’s some very high-tech stuff.

MS: Well, have you found something, without telling us what it is, has your project found something of a startling nature? Or new information?

DA: Well, we’re still putting it through analysis, but we pretty much know what happened to Amelia Earhart. She and Fred Noonan were lost. Oh, by the way, the location of her airplane, if you look, it is about two horizons west-southwest of Howland Island. It’s in between Howland and Baker Island. I think that’s in the Kiribakis, we have a map up. So, we’ve got that set up, and if they find the bird, we’ll see if our location data is right. What we believe happened to Amelia – and I’d like to say more when we get our project up at a later date – she and Noonan couldn’t find Howland Island, so they went back to the last land they had seen, which was this atoll. They circled the atoll, then they checked the wind, and they put it down on the reef in the lagoon. The plane bounced up and went up on shore, it was stopped by some vegetation, some mangrove. They both survived, both radioed for a couple of days. Then they were captured by some soldiers, the Japanese captured them and took them to another island, where they expired.

MS: They were captured?

DA: Yeah. That’s what our data – we’re going to have a major project on this, we’ll have hundreds of pages of data up.

MS: Do you have any idea, from what you so far know, Dick, whether they were treated well, or they were tortured, any of that?

DA: They were not treated well, they were treated as prisoners. Amelia, actually, our data indicates had some type of microbial dysentery or something, her stomach was in rough shape. Her face was battered in by the crash, she had a bruise on her face. Noonan’s leg was hurt. She died of this dysentery, and then Noonan was, we believe, shot. This is of interest to our founder and president, because he has an association with a relative of Noonan. There’s a General Noonan in the army that Glenn served with.

So, we’re going to have a major project up on that later, and we’ll tell the whole story later.

MS: That’s really going to answer a lot of questions for people.

DA: We think they’re going to find the Electra pretty soon.

MS: So, they didn’t live very long after the crash?

DA: A couple days, yeah.

MS: That’s it, okay.

DA: Yeah, they were taken to another island.

MS: Then you get into the Kennedy assassination, and the fact that there was a prohibition against remote viewers viewing the site of the assassination.

DA: It’s my understanding that that target was off-limits to active military viewers.

MS: But there was some viewing, which indicated –

DA: We did it as a guild project.

MS: And what you found was at least two shoo-, two spots from where shots were fired?

DA: We have a session posted on our website that we tasked. The grassy knoll – the viewer drew two men behind a fence, and one of them with a gun. I worked that session myself, and got shots from two directions.

Here again, you don’t know what it is you’re viewing in the session, very often. You’re just busy getting data. So I’m doing this data, and I’m saying, okay, there’s this structure that’s in motion, there’s something in motion, there’s humans here, there’s a lot of people around. There’s gunfire – oh – there’s gunfire coming from these two directions. At one point, I actually bi-located. I was there, and I [was] looking down on this car from up above, and I remember thinking, that was a really large car. It was like nothing I’d ever seen, there were too many seats in it. Then when I came out of the session and got the feedback, I went, my God, that was the limousine. That’s what I was looking at, wow.

MS: So you saw shots from two locations?

DA: Yes, I did.

MS: So obviously that reinforces –

DA: And a gunman on the grassy knoll, another viewer has that. That’s session’s up, you can look at it. Now, here again, we generally – the stuff that we’re saying for the money, what we’re really putting our reputation behind, is projects where we have multiple viewers working multiple sessions, and that goes to analysis. Some of these things I’m talking about are just interesting bits of data that we’ve done. But the prudent person just doesn’t trust remote viewing alone, if that’s all you have, and certainly not unless you have multiple viewers corroborating the data.

MS: So, then, how would one know whether to believe, for example, what’s at your website?

DA: Well, the things that are projects – if you look under projects, you can – let me talk about that for a moment. You hear a lot about remote viewing, and you hear a lot of claims. People go on the radio and say a lot of things about remote viewing and say a lot about their data, but how much remote viewing do you actually see? How many people actually put their raw sessions up, and the analysis? That’s what we do. If you go to our website, you can look and see 130, 140 sessions, you can see five major projects, you can see a dozen operational targets, complete with the analysis and the collateral research, and you can see every bit of data that was generated by the viewers. I think the remote viewing community needs more of that. We need – you know the line from Jerry MacGuire, “Show me the money!” Well, show me the data. We need more people to show the raw data, so that you can decide for yourself, whether or not to believe it.

MS: Is it fair to say that most remote viewers – I’m not talking now about the guild or the people you work with – but is it fair to say that most remote viewers do not supply that raw data to the public?

DA: Well, you can go look at the various websites yourself, and see who does and who doesn’t. There are links to a lot of websites – go look and see who puts the raw data up and who makes the claims, and who doesn’t put any data up.

MS: On that note, we’ll come right back, with Dick Allgire, and he is here as a remote viewer, as a, frankly, a television journalist who got involved with this later, and to say that’s fascinating is putting it mildly. Because here he is, a fellow who by journalistic standards, a guy who’s going to be skeptical about things, and he found out that this is something that actually works for him, as well as for other people. We’re going to go to your fast blast, we’re going to go to the fax, and your calls, when we come back, your calls are next, let’s get on those lines, and we’ll take your calls. Mike Siegel, Coast-to-Coast AM, stay with us.


1 hr 22 min

1 hr 28 min

MS: Good to have you folks with us. We are talking with Dick Allgire, who’s here about remote viewing, and I’m really appreciative of him spending the time with us, and appreciative of all your comments as well, as we go through your conversation, your questions, your thoughts.

Dick, here’s a fax: “Can you determine if someone is truthful or not by viewing them? How would you phrase the question for the target?” That’s John in Valley Village, California.

DA: I’m not sure. You can get a sense about someone when you remote view them, but it depends on your level of target contact. Within a session, you wouldn’t want to be that analytical, you’re just gathering data. So, you wouldn’t want to stop and think, is this the truth or not? You’re just writing stuff down, you’re just grabbing impressions. So I’d say, no.

MS: How would you tell the truthfulness of that person?

DA: How would you tell the truthfulness of a person you’re remote viewing?

MS: Correct.

DA: A target that you’re remote viewing?

MS: That’s the question.

DA: Well, we have a method we call tagging, that we do in an alert state, but – you get impressions about people. In session, we probe for the kinesthetics of the person we are viewing. So, we can query: what type of person is this? And it will come to you, is this a good person, or is this a bad person. Is this an honest person, or is this person dishonest. It’s all in the level of your contact in your session.

MS: Alright. We have another fax, we’ll stick with a couple of faxes for now.

“It is my understanding that remote viewing is only in the present, and unable to see in the future. That being said, please ask your guest to address this and clarify. His Las Vegas story of the slot machine does not sound like remote viewing but something more of the nature of future seeing.” That’s from Cheyenne in Palm Springs.

DA: Well, time is a tricky one. We can remote view the past very easily. The past and the present are quite easy. The future is a little bit harder. We consider the future to be a sort of forming field that has all the variables of the present causing that field to form. We feel you can pretty accurately remote view something about 90 days in advance. Now if it’s a big, seismic geological event, that is literally “set in stone,” that’s much easier. The future is a little bit trickier.

MS: Then we have Fred in Houston, Texas. “Can you teach this within a few minutes, or in a few hours?”

DA: Well, I was teaching a cameraman at the news station the other day, who showed some intuitive ability, and I taught him the very first protocol, the very first thing we did, and after about five minutes he drew two targets that were pretty close approximations to the target. You can take a week-long class, or sit down for a few hours and probably do enough to convince yourself that this is real. You can initiate that conversation with your subconscious, you can get some data very early on. To become real professional, [though], real operational, to really do this at a higher level, it really takes a lot of time.

MS: Let me very quickly do one more, because this is rather provocative, from Coyote in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. “OJ Simpson did not kill Nicole Simpson. There were two sets of leather gloves. The person who did this is very close to OJ. Would you please comment on this?” Have you done anything with OJ?

DA: I know someone who’s a good viewer who has, who said that it was him.

MS: That it was OJ?

DA: Yeah, and this person is very, very good remote viewer. In terms of the guild, we haven’t worked that. That’s a really brutal, ugly target, and unless there’s a reason to remote view something like that, if it’s an active case, we wouldn’t do that just out of interest, because you resonate with the target, and that’s something you wouldn’t really want to be next to. If I gave that to a viewer, they might [ask] “Why did you send me there?”

MS: In other words, they would either have to identify with Nicole or with OJ?

DA: Yeah. Hey, the dog knows the truth in that one. The dog saw it.

MS: [laughs] Okay. We’ll come right back with Dick Allgire, my name is Mike Siegel with Coast-to-Coast AM, and when we come back, it is your calls, folks, so stay with us, much more to come.


MS: Alright folks, let’s go to it. Right now is the time for that. Dick Allgire is here, he’s a remote viewer, he’s with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, professionally involved with it, takes it very seriously. He’s also been a journalist for 25 years, a TV journalist, as a matter of fact. A very interesting conversation with him. We go to the first-time caller line. You’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hi.

Caller: Hi, this is Tammy in Spokane. For some reason on a piece of paper I’ve got today’s date, just before midnight, Thursday, September 21st. I’ve been trying to figure out why I have eight numbers here, written beside it, and just seeing if you have any insight on that, because I’m not sure if it’s important or what, I don’t remember writing that down. What do you think?

DA: Well, is this a test? I don’t really do readings, I’m a remote viewer, and to get information, I’d need to go in to do a session, and be targeted, I also don’t work front-loaded. I don’t really understand if there’s a question there.

Caller: Oh, I’m just trying to figure out why I have this number on a piece of paper. These eight numbers.

MS: There’s no way he would know that. We won’t do individual remote viewing circumstances anyway, because that’s just not going to happen on the program, but the question you have really is more about if somebody will do a psychic reading for you privately, which is what I think would be the best thing to do, is to talk to a psychic privately about that. We do, Tammy, appreciate the call, and do call again. See how easy it was?

DA: Mike, I’ll tell you something – remote viewers don’t do numbers very well, because your subconscious awareness is like a dyslexic child. It knows one or it knows a bunch, but in a remote viewing session, if you’re on target and try to count something, 1,2,3,4,5, it puts you into too much into a left-brain analytical type of thought process, and it knocks you off the signal line. So, we don’t do numbers. If we did, we’d get the lottery number and we’d all retire, but it’s tough to do.

MS: Exactly. So, obviously, you couldn’t have helped her even if you were working on the case. Wild card line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Good evening gentlemen.

MS: Dean in Grapevine, go right ahead.

Caller: Yes sir, I’ve actually got two questions real quick. The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, has anybody remote viewed that?

DA: I’m sure someone has, we haven’t done it as a guild project [though], no one in the guild has done it. I remote viewed him once giving a speech as a training target, and saw him as a great man, but we don’t have any data on his assassination, sorry.

Caller: What about presidents, former, past, and present, maybe with the election coming up, have you had anybody remote view that?

DA: Remote viewed former presidents?

Caller: Or maybe even the current situation, with Gore and Bush, is anybody taking the election, because you said something about a 90 day window.

DA: That would be an interesting target, but at this time, I think there are so many variables, that would be a tough one. It may not have been decided yet.

Caller: One last question: Does the person doing the remote viewing, does their background as far as religious beliefs, culture, things like that, or even race, does that make any difference in the remote viewer?

DA: Not too much. We like to say your ability to remote view is limited only by the quality of your being. It’s a difficult thing.

[Laughs] One of the Republican members of our team just wrote and handed me a note, “Bush by a landslide.” [That was Glenn.]

MS: [Laughs] Okay, we thank you Dean, and let’s go west of the Rockies. You’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hello. Aloha. Dick, I’ve a couple of questions for you, and a question for Mike.

MS: Give us your first name and where you’re calling from.

Caller: Jay from Silver City, New Mexico. I lived over in Hawaii for a long time, and I believe Ed Dames moved there to Maui for more than the access to a lot of water there. I’ll try to be brief with it. Is there a correlation, or have you folks been working on the West Nile virus, or epidemic viruses?

MS: That’s a good question.

DA: Not that I know of. We just did some operational targets that we haven’t gotten fed back on, so I don’t know, but that would be a good target. We have done some work on chem trails.

MS: What’d you find?

Caller: There’s a correlation there. My theory…

MS: What’d you find on the chem trails?

DA: Our chem trail data, I did the analysis on it. They claim that it’s just con trails, it’s just normal condensation. Our data showed that some type of chemical is being sprayed, that it is something of a chemical nature.

MS: Couldn’t figure out what it was though, huh?

DA: You know, Hawaii’s a great place to remote view, by the way, because it has a real low noise level. We’re the most remote place on earth, so there’s just not so much noise, it’s a great place. Late at night it’s very good.

Caller: I have another question. In relationship to this virus, I believe it has something to do with a professor that has come up with a way of exploding viruses in the air, which has something to do with contrails.

DA: Hey, that’s really interesting. You know, what you might want to do is – the way we work, it’s bad for us as viewers to talk about possible targets, or talk about what we possibly might find. Contact our target committee chairman. He’s a guy named Jimmy Williams. If you go to our website, there’s a way to contact him. You could submit that as a target to him. What happens is, he takes your idea, your data, and he’s the only one who knows about it, and he assigns it to a targeteer, then the targeteer assigns it to a group of remote viewers, so there’s a double blind. You have to have the viewers isolated so that they don’t know anything about any possibility of any target they’re viewing. So, if you give that to Jimmy, we could work that as an operational target, and report back to you what we find. We did do some preliminary work on the chem trails, and it was interesting.

MS: Is there a way for people to e-mail you at the website, or e-mail him?

DA: Yes, there’s a “contact us” [page], it’s If you go to, there’s a “contact us” button. Jimmy, our target committee chairman, is

MS: Terrific. We can of course go through the Coast-to-Coast AM website, and link on over and do all of that. That would be very helpful, too.

East of the Rockies, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: This is Mark in Kansas City. It’s good to be back again.

Until I heard this show, I didn’t know it, I’ve been remote viewing for a long time, inadvertently, and suppressing it. I still have some fear about it, I’m still not sure about it. I’d also like to bring a couple of questions, maybe, about the dangers involved.

First thing: it was OJ’s son. OJ’s son did it, and I knew exactly where the guy was who did it, I didn’t actually walk down there (1-2 words garbled) property. So, I know I’ve done this before, and I’ve really repressed it and been afraid of it. So, one of my questions would be: I know I’ve experienced what I’d call invaders, that were remote viewing me. Have you heard of that happening? For people doing it, possibly military experiments would be involved with that.

DA: Well, in our experience, in the hundreds – well, we’ve done thousands of targets, with hundreds of viewers, we’ve never had an instance of anyone being invaded or psychically attacked. I think any reported event like this would have to be accompanied by a competent psychological review. As for spontaneously remote viewing, that can happen. That’s what we feel psychics do. This is a communications skill. The difference between a psychic and a remote viewer is, I think the psychic has a similar communication with their subconscious. They have access to information from the collective. Psychics are just naturally wired to get that information on their own, without the protocols. Remote viewing is doing it with controls, with strict methodology, on demand. I hope that answers your question.

MS: I think it does very well.

We go to the first-time caller line. You’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Yes, good evening. Yes, my name is Mary, I’m from Ottawa. I have a question. Remote viewing, as I understand it – maybe this is going to sound odd – I started with remote viewing, must have been when I was very young. My grandmother said it was either a gift, or – it was within our family. I heard the gentleman say that in his organization, it’s on demand. Now, I guess in my family, I guess you would have to say it’s a psychic situation, as far as – I was listening with interest while I was on hold, about the Simpson case, and about the dog. I was really a little bit upset. Ron Goldman’s family probably wouldn’t have liked that too much.

DA: I wasn’t being facetious there, the dog saw what happened. The dog barked – the dog was present when the murder happened.

Caller: Well, the children were there too, and there’s a great sadness there, because we’ll never know. But, remote viewing on demand, are you getting exactly what you want? By having somebody be pushed, or taking the natural ability and saying “okay, we know you can do this. Now, everybody in this group, you’re going to target this particular set of circumstances.” Myself, personally – don’t you lose some of the purity? I would like to hear what Mike has to say about that too, I find Mr. Siegel very engaging and very intelligent, so I would like to hear his view. And I did have one other teeny question, but I’d like to hear that first.

DA: First of all, let me say one more thing about the OJ Simpson [case]. What happened was the dog alerted Ron Goldman to a man hiding in the bushes. So, the dog was barking, someone was hiding in the bushes, stalking, that’s how that happened.

Let me talk a little bit about being naturally psychic and how that compares to remote viewing. Psychics can make good remote viewers, they tend to want to do it in a more free-form manner, they don’t like the structure. We’ve had some good psychics come through our training, and if they adhere to the structure and the rigorous protocols, they do amazing work. It’s just that, we do it by the book, by the structures, with the controls and the methodology, and we look at each aspect of the target individually. So, we can go and cue ourselves to various aspects, and get more data.

MS: We’re going to come right back, and I thank you for the call, with Dick Allgire, who’s here to answer your questions on the Fast Blast, on the fax, and on the phone lines, we’ll continue that. We’ve got a fax here from Richard Hoagland, he says Hawaii is a great place to remote view not because it’s remote, but because it’s at 19.5 degrees north latitude. He says “the physics, Mike.” Thank you, Richard. And he’s got that smiling face right there on that fax. We’ll come back, on Coast-to-Coast AM, stay with us.


MS: And, we’re back at it, good to have you with us, as we’re talking with Dick Allgire of the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, who I met at the Mesquite, Nevada Remote Viewing Symposium, which was put together by Paul Smith, who did a superb job. It was a very interesting symposium. Dick is here answering your questions. Let me get a couple of the Fast Blasts in, before we do anything else.

Ed from Avanell, New Jersey: have you seen any possibility of an armed conflict in the near future over our oil dependence problems? Dick?

DA: Nope, haven’t worked that. We don’t do that many predictions, it’s tough. Doing predictions can leave you with egg on your face as a remote viewer. We have a prediction on our website that came true, but we haven’t looked at that.

MS: Herb in Hebron, West Virginia: If a known remote viewer hits the lottery, can he be disqualified?

DA: I hope not, because we’d like to do that someday, like I said, I shouldn’t have told that story about Las Vegas. I know some military remote viewers were banned from casinos where they were stationed, because they were cleaning them out regularly, they were banned.

MS: Alright, let’s see. We have one more here.

Given all the conflicting evidence, have you remote viewed the circumstances of the death of Vincent Foster? That’s Ron in Florenceville, New Jersey.

DA: we haven’t done Vincent Foster, no. We did Ron Brown.

MS: What’d you find?

DA: That’s a project that is up. If you look at the button that is “MJ001” – well, we got the plane crash, but there was some data, maybe indicated there may have been a gunshot involved. Did you have a gunshot? I’m talking to one of our viewers here that worked that, yeah, there may have been a gunshot involved.

MS: There was some speculation about that, as you know.

Larry in Morristown, Tennessee: can anyone do remote viewing?

DA: Yes. It’s something that is inherent in all of us. We all have a subconscious awareness, it’s just a communications skill. Some people are going to be better at it than others, some people aren’t going to take the time. It’s difficult to learn, to do it well. Some people just aren’t going to put the work in [that’s] necessary. But, we’ve found that just about everybody can do it.

MS: Just put your mind to it, I guess, right?

DA: Yep.

MS: We’re going to come right back with Dick Allgire, my name is Mike Siegel with Coast-to-Coast AM.


MS: Alright folks, right to your calls we go here for Dick Allgire, he is a remote viewer from Hawaii, and glad to have him with us too, as we go to the wild card line, you are on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi, this is Sue from Hollywood. I’m really interested in hearing you speak about being naturally psychic versus remote viewing. I’m naturally psychic – not that I wanted to be, because I’m Catholic, and that creates a lot of guilt. Catholics also think you’re possessed if you’re clairvoyant, or mess around with Tarot cards. I’m wondering, since you refer to it as a communications skill, also – does the amount of emotion generated by an event make it easier to remote view it?

DA: Oh, absolutely, definitely.

MS: That’s a great question.

DA: If you give a student remote viewer something like Nagasaki – that was one of the first targets I worked, and [I] went, “Wow.” Yes – targets with a lot of conflict, with a lot of activity, with a lot of emotion are easier to view. The really big events, the really big emotional events, they stand out in the collective.

Caller: Well, then, if you are naturally psychic, that’s why you get information. I would be interested in remote viewing simply for the fact that you can control what you’re doing, because as a psychic you get information that you don’t necessarily want, but I find out that it happens a lot if it’s an event where there’s a lot of emotion generated.

DA: Human beings are biological, chemical, electromagnetic matter. For a psychic to have that knowing, there has to be a pathway. We know that that’s true, that they’re getting some good data, so there has to be a pathway that psychics use. That data comes from somewhere – well, they get it naturally. We, as remote viewers, train ourselves to do what is a natural thing, train ourselves to do it on demand. I just had a student in the class that I am teaching now in Hawaii who is a natural psychic, who has had this come to her, and it has bothered her all her life, she wanted to know – you know, some people want to know how to shut it off, rather than learn how to do it.

Caller: I’ve been in that position, actually. And, since you brought up OJ, can I say something about it, my experience?

DA: Sure.

Caller: Of course, this was before it hit the news, that it had happened – but I saw a location in Westwood Village, which is close to Brentwood, I saw a woman with blonde hair running, I saw the location where she ran to. I did call the police about it, they asked me if I saw a murder weapon, but I know the location was important. Why do I know this, and what do I do with it, you know? And, it’s years after the fact.

When you remote view, I assume you can go back in time as well as forward, right?

DA: Yes. Well, you might want to get together with a group – there are a lot of remote viewing organizations and groups. It might help you to be around people that kind of have a grip on this, and understand it. We’d love to train you if you were in Hawaii.

Caller: (laughs) If I had the money.

MS: What you could do is send him an e-mail, if you would.

Caller: Well, Hawaii would probably be a great place, because there’s not that much electromagnetic interference, right?

DA: Exactly, you hit the nail on the head – electromagnetic.

MS: Let me go back to the physics. I want to get my friend Richard Hoagland’s point in, it’s at 19.5 degrees north latitude.

Caller: (laughs) Oh, of course.

MS: So there you are.

Caller: Well, thank you gentlemen, it was very interesting.

DA and MS, in unison: Thank you.

MS: That was a really good question, too, I appreciate it.

West of the Rockies, you are on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi Mike, it’s Ray in Ogden, Utah. You hit a couple of topics that are kind of close to my heart, speaking about Amelia Earhart and the JFK situation. My question for you would be is – in recent times, there’s been some speculation that perhaps Amelia and Mr. Noonan were on a somewhat undercover intelligence gathering mission, during the flight. Did your session reveal anything concerning that?

DA: We have been working Amelia Earhart as a group project for three years. We’ve worked the various aspects of the crash, several times, with many viewers. We have hundreds of pages of data. We’re putting together a major publication, we just haven’t gotten it up yet. We have the location data up, so that we can have it up before anything breaks. We will have a major project up – maybe I can come back and talk about this at a later date, when all the data is up. I’m not the analyst on it, I’m just one of the viewers, so I’m kind of kept in the dark. As a viewer, you’re just put through the maze, then they give you a piece of cheese, and send you on your way. So, that is a very interesting topic, and we feel we know what happened. What you said, we’ll have something to say about that.

Ray, I used to live in Utah, I’ve been to Ogden many times.

Caller: Oh really? Whereabouts did you live?

DA: (? Yeah, I worked in) TV there. KUTV.

MS: That’s public broadcasting, isn’t it?

DA: No, KUTV, when I was there, was the ABC affiliate, I think it’s CBS now.

MS: Alright, Ray, anything else?

Caller: I was wondering, on JFK, during your session, did you get any feel for the possibility of a connection between the assassination and the possible connections with the Chicago gangland organization?

DA: Well, no, and I’ll tell you why. Remote viewing doesn’t tell you everything there is to know about a case. To get data that specific, you would need a group of viewers working this as a project, doing many, many targets, and then subcueing targets. You find something interesting, you subcue that, you work it again. What you can say about a target event, a person, something like this – you should go to our website and look at individual remote viewing sessions. It kind of disturbs me when I hear remote viewers say that they know this and that, and making all these pronouncements, and they don’t show their data. We know what you can say about a target based on just one session, it’s not all that much. People write books, and they don’t show the data. And, how many sessions did they do? Did they do it frontloaded? Was there any analysis? How many viewers worked it? Before you can write a book about something, or say, get into something as complex as the conspiracy to assassinate JFK – the layers in that case – it would take so many sessions. So, we don’t have that data, right now.

Caller: I’ve always had the feeling that it’s a mystery that will probably never be solved, but I’d sure like to see it solved.

DA: We all would.

MS: Sometime, I’ll tell you the story that Jack Anderson told me, his sixty years in Washington, DC as a syndicated columnist – he puts his entire career’s credibility on the line for this story, and I think I might have mentioned it here once before, but I’ll do it again sometime, about the Kennedy assassination. He’s got it nailed – but that’s for another program.

Thank you for calling too, Ray, good to talk to you. We go to the first-time caller line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hi.

Caller: This is Patrick from Staten Island, New York. I have two questions: one question is, is dreaming a form of remote viewing?

DA: Dreaming is similar. You know that place between asleep and awake is a kick off point for a lot of different events. We call it theta. It can be the kickoff for OBE [out-of-body experience], astral projection. Dreaming is not remote viewing. But that place of going to sleep is a similar place as the deep target contact that we get within a session.

Caller: The second question is, does the military use remote viewing for purposes to catch criminals and such, people like Ossama bin Laden, all those terrorists?

DA: Well, I’d like to address that point, I’m glad you brought that up.

Dale Graff, he was the director of the military Stargate program, he has a book out called River of Dreams, and in that book he tells the story of Charles Frank Jordan. Charles Frank Jordan was a U.S. customs agent who was accused of tipping off smugglers. He was on the run back when the Stargate remote viewers were active. They targeted the Stargate remote viewers against this guy, trying to track him down. There’s a problem with that, there’s a problem with the military using remote viewing to remote view criminals – it’s against the law. The Stargate remote viewers were working for the Defense Intelligence Agency, and spying on American citizens violates the DIA charter. See, the DIA, as I understand it, is a clearing house for intelligence, it’s not chartered to actually collect intelligence. So, in addition to the use of uniformed service members, or DIA civilians – it’s against federal law for them to spy [against American citizens]. So, they should not be doing it. And here, Dale Graff in his book talked about them doing it.

Caller: Wow. OK guys, thanks for the question, keep up the great work guys.MS: Thanks for calling Patrick, nice to hear another New Yorker back there.

Wild card line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi Mike. This is Carl from Vancouver, British Columbia.

Have you done any remote viewing on the Antichrist?

DA: No we haven’t, that doesn’t meet the guidelines of the type of targets we work. We don’t do evil, either real or imagined. We don’t remote view concepts either.

Caller: Now is that because he would know?

DA: No, that’s because we don’t work that kind of target, that’s just not the kind of thing we do.

Caller: Okay. [Caller asks question about Art Bell.]

DA: We love Art, but like I said at the beginning of the show, it’s good to be on Mike Siegel’s Coast-to-Coast.

MS: We go to the west of the Rockies line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hi.

Caller: This is Gino from Weed, California.

I was wondering, if remote viewing works, how come every remote viewer has a different outlook on what happened? Like Major Ed had something different with the Kennedy assassination, and Amelia Earhart, and I was wondering how come everyone sees something different?

DA: That is a good question. What I say to that is we put our data up, and we put our analysis up, and I would invite other remote viewers and other remote viewing organizations to put their data up so that we can better evaluate their claims. You know, there are as many causes of TWA flight 800 as there are remote viewing organizations, but which of them have ever put up any raw data about it? I don’t mean one sketch. I mean the entire session, done by every remote viewer that worked it. That’s what we do when we do projects. If I get a chance, I’ll talk about a couple of projects that we did in-depth analysis [for], and we did put all the data up.

MS: Alright, when we come back we’ll do that.


MS: Welcome back folks, boy, that’s some really great music, I like that. This music tonight has been beyond the pale. Will is sitting there picking out music that is absolutely stellar and I can’t thank him enough. It really adds to my sense of the program and the feel of this program, terrific. [bumper music provided by HRVG]

In any event, let’s get back to Dick Allgire, he is with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, is a television journalist on top of all of it, and is a remote viewer.

Dick, you wanted to mention a couple of your projects that you’ve got on your website that are documented thoroughly, with evidence, so go right ahead.

DA: Let me take just a couple of minutes to talk about one of the projects, because this is interesting and I think I can talk you through it, to give you a sense of what it was like when we worked it.

There are some who say that remote viewing isn’t legitimate, or can’t be considered valid if there’s no feedback. Now, it’s true you should never use remote viewing as the sole source of intelligence data – I said that – however, there comes a time when you want to use it against an unknown. What’s the use of remote viewing something if you already know everything about it?

So, that’s called an operational target. If you have a target where you have some ground truth, and you know some things about it, but there are other elements that you need to know – you can employ remote viewing.

We penetrated and observed a huge, top secret base in the Ural Mountains of Russia. The name of this place is Yamantau Mountain. Our project name on this is Erminmink. A little background about it: back when it was the Soviet Union, during the Brezhnev period, construction began on this huge underground facility at Yamantau Mountain. When I say huge, I mean it is literally the size of Washington DC, underground, in solid rock. Now, the Pentagon’s international security czar said, we don’t know exactly what’s there. The Russians said: well, it’s a mining site; well, it’s a repository of Russian treasures; oh, let’s see, we’re storing food and clothing there; maybe it’s a bunker for Russian leaders in case we have a war. By the way, when we worked this, we didn’t know anything about that. When I first worked it, another member of the guild came up to me and said, hey, you want to work a target for me? So all he gives me is XOZF-PMLG – that’s how we target something, that’s called the target ID. I don’t know anything about it. I sit down to work, and I can tell early on that this is a very complex, interesting target, because data just really starts jumping out at me. I get mountains, I get structures, complex machinery, fenced areas with high security. I’m seeing vehicles that guard at checkpoints, people in uniforms, there’s people speaking Russian, railroad tracks, tunnels. When you remote view, you don’t really have any orientation, it’s just, this stuff is swimming into your consciousness as you execute the protocols. So, you’re just trying to put down as much as you can without trying figuring it out. So when you finish, you want the feedback. So, I get all this data, and I’m like the rat who’s gone through the maze, saying gimme the cheese, and the guy who cued it said, hey, I can’t tell you, we’re going to work some more on it. So, five other viewers worked the target, we did full sessions, monitored, with post-session interviews, the whole thing takes about three hours, and we did that five times. Then we’re given a subcue, we work it again and again and again. In the end, it was hundreds of pages of data, I scanned most of it. Then the analyst has to sit down and sort through these hundreds of pages of data, to extract the data that is corroborated by multiple viewers. So, what we got was, the viewers drew identical landscapes. We drew a mountainous region with underground structures. We saw nuclear munitions, we saw missile launch facilities, several people saw some kind of nuclear accident involving radiation. We were in the guard checkpoints. Five viewers who were just given this set of letters, had no idea what it was, all drew people in HAZMAT (hazardous material) suits – so you think, what are the odds of giving people just these letters, and they all draw HAZMAT suits? We saw and drew stuff that had no meaning to us at the time, which was later identified as very technical stuff. Like, one viewer is drawing a circular fence with wires coming off of it, didn’t really know what it was, but later a former NSA analyst looked at the sketch and said, hmm, that looks like an ANFLR-9, or an ANFRD-10, what you drew is very similar to a circular displaced antenna array. One viewer, who is the least technical person I’ve ever known, drew a big circular thing with cone-type things that to her were just like, thingies. But, then when we later compared her sketches – they looked just like the assembly configuration of a multiple warhead rocket. I drew a device that I had no idea what it was, it turns out it looks just like what they call an advanced inertial reference sphere, this is the inertial navigation system for an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile). We drew missile silos [with] working missiles. Mike, I gave you a copy of this at the Remote Viewing Symposium, and it’s up on our internet site. There was an interesting thing we did – one of the viewers drew this very distinct building with a statue on the outside. We had some collateral data about this place called Chelablink-70, where they do nuclear weapons research in Russia. So this guy draws a very distinct building with a statue that looks like Lenin, and we wondered if there was a statue like that. So the guy that was doing the project e-mailed the web master of the official web site of Chelablink-70 and asked him, hey, is there a statue there? This guy e-mailed us back, oh yeah, there’s a statue of Lenin, the great leader, there; and we got a picture of that, and it validated the data. So anyway, our conclusion on this was that, yes, this facility is involved storing and manufacturing nuclear munitions, and there are silos there.

MS: The key point about it, of course, as we come right back for more calls with Dick Allgire, is that they didn’t know what they were getting into, and they found that [facility] without having any up-front knowledge of the kind of installation they were looking for, which I think is quite fascinating.

Mike Siegel with Coast-to-Coast AM, your calls are next, stay with us.


MS: … truckers, and we thank all of you out there in the trucks for listening as you’re driving along, we love having you with us on Coast-to-Coast AM. We go to East of the Rockies, for Dick Allgire on remote viewing, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hello. It’s Greg from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have a quote here that I have to share with you, and you can guess who said this, but it’s called – well, let me tell you – “Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to that which is known to us of nature.”

MS: That’s a very interesting quote.

Caller: Guess who said this – St. Augustine.

MS: Way back, he was about the fifth century.

Caller: 354-430 (AD). Yeah, fifth century. Anyway, I want to give you both compliments because you’ve been doing such great work. Especially you, Dick, because what I want to share, if you give me a couple of minutes here, is my remote viewing experience – my one and only remote viewing experience. The reason I want to share it is, it’s possible for anybody to do this, literally. I read Russell Targ and Hal Putov’s articles about their experiments and so on with Ingo Swann and these other people. Then I read Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness, which is a great book, by the way. A friend of mine called me up from California and said, let’s do an experiment, let’s do a remote viewing experiment. So I said, well, okay. We did a protocol – the protocol is, basically, just relaxing. You were talking about that sort of state between asleep and awake, just relaxing. I ended up seeing – I didn’t know the target, because in remote viewing, it’s important that you don’t know the target – I ended up going to a room, out there, I didn’t know where, at the time, and seeing specific things, like people, and people saying things to each other, and so on. This was all verified after the fact that I had heard specific things being said that actually happened. Am I being clear here?

DA: Yes, it sounds like you have some natural ability. Also, we’ve found that there’s a kind of beginner’s luck. You can sometimes sit down, and before you really think about what you’re doing, without consciously trying to hard, you can do it.

Adam Mandelbaum, who wrote the book The Psychic Battlefield, I think you [Mike] maybe interviewed him, he’s been on a lot of the talk shows, and we have an interview with him on our website – he gives lectures, where he gives people targets, with no training, and very often there are people in the audience who can spontaneously get very good data.

Caller: Well, that’s what you pointed out, is that everybody has this talent, everybody has this capability, which is, from my experience, it’s very true. It’s just that, there are certain decisions involved, once you find this stuff out, once you find you can do it. Then, what do you do with it? You’ve worked with the government, and so on.

DA: Well, you really need an organization. Remote viewing has to be a team effort. It’s really no good, just one person sitting down and remote viewing a target. To do something significant with remote viewing, you need a combined team, you need a management of the operation. In our group, we have a targeteer, we have a target committee chairman, we have analysts, we have teams of viewers. The viewers have to be blind, they can’t know anything about the target. So, you need to manage all of this, you need to take their data and put it through analysis to really do anything significant. That’s why I think – you know, remote viewing has been declassified for about five years, and there really hasn’t been that much significant work done in the civilian sector. The case has really not been made. That’s what we’re trying to do, and I think the reason that we can do it well at Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild is that we have the people all in the same place working as a team effort in an organization.

Caller: Well, there’s a lot of fear out there too, do you think? You know, there’s interference. You were talking to the guy, I think he was from Virginia or wherever, somebody asked, how do you deal with this … how do you make it clear? How do you focus on this stuff? There’s a lot of fear.

DA: Well, it takes training.

Caller: It takes training, I think that’s what gets in the way of a lot of people doing this stuff.

DA: And it’s a lot of work. We’ve had a lot of people come through with tremendous skill, that have dropped out, because they don’t have the time, or they’re just doing something else with their lives, or they saw that they could do it and said, okay, that’s cool. Let’s go do something else now.

MS: And actually, that’s probably a better attitude, not to get so intense, that it causes disruptions psychologically for the person doing the viewing.

DA: Remote viewing can be destabilizing.

MS: I would imagine.

DA: When you open yourself up to communication with your sub[conscious], it can be destabilizing. When you go work a target, you resonate with the target, a bit of that target rubs off on you for a while. So, that’s another reason why it’s good to have an organization like our guild, because we’re all friends, we have a support group, we keep each other honest.

MS: Let’s go to first-time caller line next, and you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi, this is Cathy, from Sacramento. I was wondering, how come there many verifiable targets that you’re focusing on? I think mainly JFK and Amelia Earhart. Why haven’t you had any hard facts that you can back up your claims with? It makes me feel uneasy.

DA: Thank you, thank you, thank you for that question. This is the nature of this show, that’s the kind of questions that callers are interested in, that’s what this audience is interested in. but in Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, most of the targets we do are down-to-earth, verifiable targets. Well, just go to the Coast-to-Coast website, and you can see nine examples of sketches, that are all down-to-earth, verifiable validation targets. The number of esoteric targets that we work, we had to scrounge through and dig them all up to talk about them on this show, because the overwhelming bulk of the data that we produce at Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild is on validation targets. Week after week after week – you can see 130 of them posted on our website, and you can see all the data, and you can see that it’s something here on Earth that is a known target.

Caller: So there’s actual practicality besides mysteries that it can be used for?

DA: Yes. You know, I think, personally, it’s wild enough that you can project your awareness and bring back verifiable data about a solid, earthbound target. Some of the other schools of remote viewing have gone off on these esoteric things and just stayed with it, and I don’t think that helps remote viewing, and I don’t think it helps the remote viewer. So, by far most of the work we do is verifiable data. Esoteric targets should be few and far between.

Caller: Okay, thank you, I’ll go check out that website then.

DA: Thanks for that question, because I wanted to bring that up. I agree with you.

MS: Good to hear from you, too. Folks, if you want to go over there [to the website], do it,, very easy.

Wild card line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi, this is Tom out of Santa Clara. I’m about as psychic as a rock, but after hearing Art talk to Ingo Swann, I have also discovered that I probably do remote influencing. Namely, I’ve got about a 98% average on getting parking places where I need them. But that’s neither here nor there.

First of all, Mike: my cats and I both appreciate some of the older stuff wrapped in some of the newer stuff – so if you could sometime, Duke Ellington’s Night Train, and Odetta, with House of the Rising Sun.

MS: Duke Ellington, that’s nice stuff.

DA: Good suggestion.

MS: Well, let’s do that. The eminent maestro himself, Will, has heard you, and hopefully he will execute.

Caller: Now, Dick, I was also kind of wondering, and this came about from a discussion with other people who think it’s a bunch of hooey. Would it be possible to track down things that are supposedly hearsay, or legend, like some of the so-called lost mine stories, to verify their authenticity, and then their location, and/or, could you use the same thing for coming up with mineral locations?

DA: It’s my understanding that there are former military remote viewers working for oil companies. They’re paid good money. They’re doing remote viewing for oil companies. So yes, you can track that kind of thing down. We just worked a target, it was a project in class a couple of weeks ago, it was the Amber Room. I’d never heard about it until I remote viewed it – it was this beautiful room in Europe somewhere that was boxed up during WWII to hide it from the Nazis and was lost. It’s a room made out of amber. It’s a legendary thing, there’s a big reward there. So we did some work on it. It’s somewhere wet and soggy. We did some location data, which I haven’t seen the analysis on, but yeah, that’s the kind of thing that’s interesting to work as a project.

Caller: Well, in your location, there’s also something, that I don’t whether it would be ethical or not to look into or not, and that would be the burial place of Kamehameha.

DA: That gets into – did you hear Glen Grant the other night? Mike, that was a fabulous show – I don’t know if you’d want to digging around for the bones of Kamehameha. If you listened to that show, there’s a cultural issue there – it could be done, with remote viewing, but I certainly don’t think it would be a good idea.

MS: Glen Grant was fabulous.

DA: That was a great show, Mike.

MS: We’ll come right back, at Coast-to-Coast AM with Dick Allgire, who’s giving us another fabulous program, your calls will be next. I’m going to ask Dick about his experience with Dannion Brinkley’s near-death experience. We’ll find out about that, don’t go away, it’s Coast-to-Coast AM.


MS: Let’s get back with Dick Allgire. Before we get back to the calls, I wanted, Dick, to ask you about an icon of this program, Dannion Brinkley, who had a near-death experience. I know your group did some remote viewing with regard to Dannion Brinkley’s near death experience. Can you tell us about that?

DA: We did one very interesting session, I targeted it. We have one viewer, named Valtra Jansen, who’s one of our best viewers, and she’s very good at esoteric targets, she does very well on things of a spiritual nature. I had heard Dannion Brinkley on this program, and he’s a very interesting guy, and I just wondered, is he telling the truth about that? So I thought, I’m going to cue up this near-death experience and give it to a viewer who I know is very good, who I know has a good track record of doing a lot of validation targets, and does probably 30 validation targets for every one of this nature – for that earlier caller, who I agreed with, by the way.

So this target – the whole session is published on our site. There’s a button to it at, “Dannion Brinkley.” I cued it up, I gave it Valtra, and the cue was “Dannion Brinkley, first near-death experience.” All I gave her was this: FMGH-QSKH. I didn’t tell her anything about, hey, I have a special target, just – work this. Could’ve been anything – usually, it’s a validation target, that’s what she would most likely expect. The first thing she perceived was intense heat. She got fire, snapping sounds, gurgling, rough skin. Now, if you recall, Dannion Brinkley was hit by lightning, and he was clinically dead for some time. Valtra then describes feelings of vertigo. Then she feels an intense force, some kind of transcendental energy, and she describes a roaring silence, electrical shock, she said she had a sense of separation, and she actually wrote “death experience.” Then she draws a human form lying down, with the spirit rising up out of it. She had to end the session, because it became too much for her, she couldn’t take it any farther. She said that, had she been monitored, she probably might have been able to follow that, but because she was alone, she wasn’t able to manage the experience. So, based on her data – writing “death experience” and this transcendental thing, it sent a chill up my spine. I believe her session, and I believe Dannion Brinkley.

MS: So, no question, then, he went through that horrifying event.

DA: Based on this data, yeah. You know, there’s another collateral thing I’d like to talk about real quick. He talks about a life review – that, when you die, you see everything in your life from the vantage point of the other person. You know, when you’re mean to someone, you experience that meanness through their eyes.

The first time I ever really, really remote viewed, and had the slam-bang, you-are-there, hey, this-is-experiential event, was a really mundane target, what they call a beaconing target. There’s a guy named Liam, that had put up some targets on another site, where, he just put up a number, and the number represented a place that he went, and you were supposed to remote view where he was and what he was doing. So I remote view this, and I’m working, I get a man, a structure, it’s cold outside, it’s warm inside, he’s got an overcoat on. Now, I went through a protocol that we have that brings your primary awareness way down, and you look, you look and you stop, and all of a sudden, it was like all the air was sucked out of the room and all the molecules in my body stopped, and I was looking at this movie, of a man in an overcoat, walking through a department store, looking at suits. It was just this little film clip. I saw him walking, and looking over at the shirts, and now he looks at the suits. And then it ended. I sketched that, and I remember thinking, if this target is a kind of store, that’s going to be too wild, because I saw him walk, I saw everything about it. I went and I clicked on the feedback, and it said, “I’m in a department-style store in Germany, and I’m walking through.” I e-mailed the guy and said, “you had a gray overcoat on, didn’t you?” and he said, “yeah.” That, to me, makes me realize that everything we do and think and say and feel is recorded somewhere. There’s a record of it, Mike.

MS: That’s a fascinating point. That’s incredible, that really is an excellent point, and that must have been one heck of a revelation the first time you really had done the experience.

DA: Well, I try to live my life differently, because everything I do is in the collective, and it’s accessible, and based on Dannion Brinkley, I think maybe you do get to look at it when you pass on, when you die. I don’t think you’re judged – that’s what Dannion said – but I think you judge yourself.

MS: Great point. Boy, that’s a great story too. A real lesson for us.

We come back, with Dick Allgire, my name is Mike Siegel at Coast-to-Coast AM, and your calls are next, stay with us.


MS: Alright folks, here we are back at it here at Coast-to-Coast AM, we go west of the Rockies line with Dick Allgire, and hi, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM.

Caller: I’m Daniel in Idaho Falls. I have visions, and I was wondering if that’s any relation to remote viewing. It’s like a movie starts, and sometimes it’s sight, sometimes it’s sound, sometimes thought, and other (1-2 words blocked) as well.

DA: That’s very similar to what remote viewing is to me. Sometimes it’s a thought, sometimes it’s a sound, sometimes it’s a full visual. So…

Caller: It occurs when I’m not concentrating on something. It can occur in the middle of the night, it wakes me up.

DA: Yeah, it’s when you turn your primary awareness off, and you let your sub[conscious] – when you’re going to sleep every night, there’s a moment when you’re still awake, but your primary awareness is going down, going down, and your sub is taking over, that’s the spot. You could be spontaneously having a remote viewing experience.

MS: I was going to say, then, that is a natural remote viewing experience.

DA: Remote viewing is a natural thing.

MS: But when you do it as you’ve done and many others have done intentionally, you have to bring yourself to that point, whereas when you go to sleep, the level of relaxation automatically occurs.

DA: Well, our instructor often gives new students a drill, and that is to take a target ID, and as you’re going to sleep, just concentrate on that target ID, just look at it, just write the letters or the numbers, and just hold that, and try to hold it until you fall asleep, and sometimes, boom, you’ll get it.

MS: We go east of the Rockies, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hello Mike, my name is Harvey, I’m from Memphis. On Friday, you had a guest, and he was sort of under the weather and you were under the weather, and he was talking about, he had seen contrails that looked like donuts on a rope.

MS: I remember that, of course, that was Sean David Morton, who was here about (2-3 words blocked), he’ll be back next week too, by the way.

Caller: I’m glad. Sunday night, I watched a program on The Learning Channel, it’s called Best Kept Secrets, and they were telling how in 1991, they were having tremendous sonic booms over Los Angeles, in that area that were so bad, they were registering on the Richter Scale. Somehow or other – they never did go into detail as to who or how they did this – but they made the accusation that they had somehow learned that this tremendous sonic booms were coming from a plane called an Aurora. This plane was triangular in shape, almost a perfect triangle, like Joe Dean was talking about Monday night. This thing goes in excess of over 3000 miles an hour, and underneath the bottom of it, the very bottom of it, there’s two engines side by side that look almost like the engines that are on the supersonic transports. You know, the one that had the accident not long ago? [the Concorde] I’m wondering if your guest has ever did any remote viewing from Area 51, because they say there’s two of them, there’s two planes there that they know of, that are called Auroras, that are making these sonic booms across the country.

MS: And have that triangle shape?

Caller: Yes sir.

DA: Early in our training, and this was really before we were that proficient, but we targeted Area 51, and we got special underground place with special aircraft.

This is not remote viewing data – the SR-71, that’s supposedly the most advanced jet we ever built, the fastest, highest-flying or whatever, they designed that with slide rules. So, do you think that’s the fastest, best jet we have? The technology that we see today, they say is, what, is 15-30 years out of date, by the time we see it.

MS: Well, in other words, what we see isn’t what we really have. I mean, that’s the bottom line.

We go to the first time caller line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi, Mike, it’s Bob from Brantford, Ontario, just outside of Toronto. Dick, you mentioned verifiable events and how you can use a target ID for remote viewing. I’ve got my wife, she says she’s psychic, and she’s gone through a near-death experience herself. She keeps reliving it, bringing up past events, and she’s getting close to litigation on this, on some matters in this. Can remote viewing be used to find out information to help her in her litigation?

DA: Yeah, it could, you’d need to find somebody to work it for you, if you wanted us, you’d have to go through our targeting committee.

That brings to mind an interesting story. I worked for a paying client, one time, I worked a target – let me think of how I can say this without getting into trouble. … Okay – one of the other viewers said, do you want to work this outside of the guild, because the guild is non-profit? Some of the viewers got together and we did a little side work for a client. I didn’t know anything about it, who the client was or anything, I was just given the target ID. What I saw was a man stalking a woman, and she was asleep in bed, and he was sneaking up on her, and he was really evil, and he was going to do her harm, and he was just watching her. I wrote some really nasty words down in the session that he was thinking, and then I turned that in. well, it turned out that this guy was accused of a crime, and he was trying to use us to find something to exonerate him of the crime, but my session looked like I had storyboarded the FBI case against him. So, I was paid to help him, and my data matched the prosecution’s case exactly.

Caller: Kind of like a reverse, reverse double (1 word garbled) or something?

DA: Yeah.

MS: So he paid you, he might as well have paid the prosecutor. If he knew he did that, why in the world would want somebody of your skill to find out the truth?

DA: I don’t know. He said he was trying to find a typewriter that he claims he sent love letters to her, and she had a typewriter to take his signature and retype them to make it look like he was stalking her, accusing her, threatening her, something. But, he was guilty.

MS: He got his comeuppance, as they would say.

DA: Yeah, when I heard the details of the case after I turned in the work, I was like, why? And we dropped him as a client, too. We immediately looked at our data and said, this is not someone we want to be associated with.

MS: We’ll go the wild card line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hi.

Caller: Hello, this is Chris in San Diego. It was really interesting about the near death experience. Have you done any work, or do you know of any work done that connects remote viewing to the psychedelic experience? [This caller sounds like he’s stoned, he’s talking with slurred speech.]

MS: Okay, anything on that, Dick?

DA: Our president is a former military guy, he is the most conservative, Republican, anti-drug straight arrow you can ever imagine. So – no. He will speak out publicly against anything to do with drugs.

MS: Amen to that, by the way. We come right back folks, with Dick Allgire, he is with the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild, and this is a terrific bit of information throughout this program. My name is Mike Siegel, right here with Coast-to-Coast AM, and we’re back with your calls, your Fast Blasts, and your faxes right after this.


MS: Good to have you with us. We are here with Dick Allgire, a remote viewer.

A couple of fax questions for Dick: Have you remote viewed anything about the grays, reptilians, and the Martians?

DA: We don’t do too much of that, because we feel it’s important to establish a very good, undeniable track record on verifiable targets first. That’s what we’re trying to do. In the long run, it’s going to give a lot more weight to data we develop on targets like Mars, or grays, or anything like that. Before an organization or group of viewers tackles targets like underground bases on Mars, UFO questions, or apocalyptic predictions, that group must prove it can produce intelligence grade data about known targets. So, not too many of those to talk about. I know it’s interesting for your audience, and people are interested, and I’m interested in a lot of that, but we’re trying to stay pretty much down-to-earth.

MS: Okay. Then, Melissa wants to know if you can perform a simple task, like locating a lost object around your house, without a team of remote viewers?

DA: I did it once. My wife’s earring disappeared, and I tagged it. I sat down, and I did – well, I don’t want to go through the protocol or methodology that I used, just – yeah. It had bounced into an envelope.

There are side skills that come with this. You become more intuitive, you know, you don’t spend a lot of time doing a whole session on something like, where are my keys, but it does help in your day to day life.

MS: And, final one on the fax side: Please ask if they did anything on TWA 800 and if there were one missile or two?

DA: No, I don’t think we have anything published on that. We did a really interesting session – again, Valtra, one of our top viewers – on Egypt Air flight 990, before the black box was recovered, and this is similar to Ed Dames’ data. She drew one man, alone in the cockpit, and described a death mission. It was a very good session.

MS: Yeah, sounds like it. We’ll come right back to Dick, and our callers, and all of you with questions. Dick Allgire is with us, a remote viewer from Hawaii, the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild. I’m Mike Siegel, with Coast-to-Coast AM, and those calls will be next, stay with us.


MS: We’re back at it folks, good to have you with us, Mike Siegel here, with Coast-to-Coast AM, as we go right back to your calls, with Dick Allgire, glad to have you with us, too.

West of the Rockies, you’re on the air, hello.

Caller: Hi Mike, I have a question for Dick here. My name’s Frank and I’m calling from Evergreen, Montana. Is there a pension program for you guys, are you very well paid?

DA: For remote viewers, or TV newscasters? [laughs]

Caller: Yeah, for remote viewers.

DA: We’re not paid at all. Our group is a non-profit organization, we don’t accept any money, no compensation for our training. I’m teaching a class right now, I don’t get a cent for it. Glenn Wheaton, who’s our founder, was in the military, he was pensioned from the military, but as for remote viewing he doesn’t accept a dime.

Caller: Well, the reason I ask is I was looking on the internet, here on these Russian women, that you can date, or whatever, you can develop a relationship, and a lot of these are retired psychics, they have a fat pension, and they’re help you looking. I was just wondering, how come we don’t have a system like that here?

DA: [laughs] Couldn’t tell you.

MS: That’s a good question, but thank you for calling.

DA: Hey Mike, real quick can I do one little bit of housekeeping? I’m not selling anything, but I would like to plug real quick the remote viewing conference, you were at it last year, they’re going to have another one this year. They have a website at That’s Lynn Buchanan, a former military remote viewer, Paul Smith, and Angela Thompson-Smith, they put on a great conference. Anyone who’s interested in remote viewing, I would recommend that. We had a fantastic time. You can talk to people like Russell Targ over dinner, and out in the hallway. Viewers like Mel Riley, Joni Douroff of Psi-Tech, you can just talk to all of these interesting people, and it’s just a fascinating conference.

MS: When’s it going to be?

DA: I’m not sure, they’re still formulating that, I just e-mailed Paul Smith yesterday and said, please tell me where the conference is going to be. I think it’s going to be in Nevada again and it will probably be over the Memorial Day weekend, but the information on that will be up at the website. We’ll have a link to it on our [website].

MS: Boy, that’s a long ways down the road.

DA: Also, a caller asked about a terrorist named Ahmed Ressam, and I missed that. Someone who was listening to the show in another room just told me about that. We did do a project on that, you can see all the data. He’s that terrorist that came into the country up in your neck of the woods, last year. He was the international terrorist, sneaking in with bomb-making material. That happened, I think, last December 14th. Well, where do you suppose he was going? What was he going to do with the bomb? That’s the type of question you can answer with remote viewing. We worked that as a project. Three viewers worked the sessions, I was the analyst of record on that. He was going to New York – the data was very clear. All three viewers drew and named New York. They drew a man pushing a dumpster with a bomb in it, he was going to take it to a very public place. That’s a real interesting session, all the raw data is up there, all the analysis, every statement in the analysis can be traced back to data corroborated by more than one viewer. And, our data was later corroborated by support documents that came out. I kind of went off on Dale Graff, and the DIA shouldn’t be spying on American citizens, but here’s a case where we did work on a terrorist coming into this country, and got some real interesting data. That’s a real interesting project to look at on our website.

MS: On that note, we go to the east of the Rockies line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Good evening gentleman. This is Dr. Ron in Cleveland. [a discussion of Mike’s throat problems, recommends colloidal silver. Moving on to interesting things – yes, the show does keep me up – I’m trying to get together as many resources as I can for the visually impaired, because I think it’s an untapped and willing market as far as – there’s a lot of blind folks that have expressed interest in becoming remote viewers, or at least doing something with the field. I was wondering, I wanted to ask Dick, is it possible that some of the Monroe techniques, like (hemising??), things like that, something to aid in the signal-to-noise ratio mentally to stop the chatter, and to aid the relaxation. I guess to get impression-based viewing for blind folks. Would something like that, the Monroe techniques, help?

DA: What you’re talking about is cool down, and – first of all, before I forget, we have a deaf viewer in our organization, who’s pretty good, we taught him over the internet. We’re trying to figure out a way to monitor him, without him being able to hear the monitor, we’re working on that – so, we have done a deaf viewer.

As for Monroe tapes and that kind of thing – we just had an interesting discussion about that on our website, and that comes under the topic of cool down, and how you get your mental state ready. Various viewers were talking about how they do that. I listen to music. Some people meditate. Some people like to go out and exercise vigorously. But you do need to get that mental chatter down. That’s the biggest enemy to a remote viewer, is that internal dialogue. You’ve got to be able to shut that off. I see no reason why a blind person shouldn’t be able to remote view.

Caller: Well, I was just thinking, that they would have enhanced abilities in some cases, because they’ve got all this energy that isn’t wasted on eyesight, it has to be going somewhere.

DA: Let me ask you something: Do you dream? Do you see images when you dream?

Caller: Yes.

DA: Then you can remote view.

Caller: As a matter of fact, I’m approaching Monroe – I want to be able to steer my dreams. I’m furious that I’m a backseat spectator and can’t steer them.

DA: See, there’s been some debate in the remote viewing community about whether you can actually obtain visuals. I’m here to say you can. That would seem to me to be some proof. If you have nothing going to your optic nerve, but you’re able to see in your dreams.

Caller: Here’s another one for you. I know it doesn’t obey the law of perspective or anything like that, I see – looking down from above – I see 360 degrees.

DA: Wow, that’s interesting.

Caller: Yeah, I didn’t ask for that one. Well, the reason for my call, real quick was, I was suspicious over some of these spontaneous remote view – oh, I got an image of this, or, I heard this – doesn’t it take incredible rigorous preparation and all?

DA: I’ve had about 800 hours face-to-face training with Glenn Wheaton, and I’ve done thousands of hours of practice on my own to get to where I am.

Caller: That’s my point – and then you’ve got a couple of callers that have called in and said, I awoke and had a such-and-such, was that a remote view, and you answered yes.

DA: Well, because it may be a spontaneous communication from their subconscious awareness, it may be. Now, whether that person can sit down and on demand do it with regularity, and do it under the controlled circumstances, that’s another question.

Caller: Oh, I see. It’s like OBE, you wish you could do it, but you try to, and you can’t.

DA: Yeah, remote viewing is not an OBE. [a skeptical response to the recommendation of colloidal silver]

You know, in remote viewing and anything else – skepticism is good. If something sounds far-fetched, or unbelievable, or too bizarre to be true, it probably is, and I would encourage everyone to be skeptical, when they hear me or any other remote viewers or anybody make any kind of claims.

MS: That’s a very good point, too, and I appreciate the comment, and the call, as we go to the first-time caller line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi, this is Ray, I’m calling from (Washugal?), outside of Vancouver here. I want to know, actually, what is the difference between remote viewing and, say, Sylvia Brown.

MS: Sylvia Brown’s a psychic.

DA: We covered that, and a psychic is someone who is naturally wired, they have that communications skill, and remote viewers do it in a structured manner, on demand using – what we do is … Sylvia Brown is a special person, she’s wired so that this stuff comes to her. I don’t know if she can control it, but a remote viewer – we’re designed to execute a series of drills, these drills are designed to facilitate the communication, so we have moments of controlled communication with our subconscious awareness, based on the drills, that’s the methodology or the protocols.

Caller: Okay, well, now, back when I was a kid and stuff, I had a fancy with numbers and letters and stuff like that, writing them down, and I did it for a long time, and it kind of freaked me out after a while, because I wrote down, basically, license plate numbers, and I took my little notepad along with me. When me and my dad were driving down the road a couple times, I ran across some cars I’d written down. It would be like after I’d wake up and stuff, it just, you know, kind of made me wonder, and I had them buy me a book, How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities, and I was sort of reading about auras and stuff like that. And then I hear all these different types of kinetic energies, and, where could I focus myself, and how should I get comfortable with what I want to do?

DA: Well, I would look around at the various schools, and various methodologies, and look at their results, and see what they have to offer, and you have to judge for yourself. And as for what some people can spontaneously do and what some people can do under protocols, people are not all the same. Some people are naturally wired, and have a communication skill, and some people don’t even know what’s going on around them in the physical world.

MS: That’s me half the time, when I’m going through the day, I’m kind of daydreaming, so to speak. We all go through that. I go through situations where I’m driving and I can’t remember consciously getting from point A to point B – going through several blocks that I knew by rote, and I’ll get to where I’m going, drive safely, but I don’t consciously remember driving through the streets to get there.

DA: Yep, your mind has gone elsewhere for a moment.

MS: Exactly. Let me remind you folks, if you want to order tapes of this or any other program, and certainly this has been quite fascinating, with Dick Allgire here, you maybe want to re-listen to this, you can order these tapes toll-free at 1-800-917-4278.

We go to the wild card line, you’re on Coast-to-Coast AM, hello.

Caller: Hi Mike, Hi Dick, I’m Dan, in Boise. I don’t want to offend anybody, but remote viewing really irritates me. I would imagine if I would hone in on, let’s say, the criminal side of life, and I begin to touch bases with who’s, like, say, we had a few murdered women in town, and I’ve come to the wrong conclusions many times, but I think that I’ve got it honed in. Well, what darn use does that do if there’s no law enforcement to back it up, see, it’s just useless, nonsensical information. A remote viewer with a court justice system that tries and convicts and investigates, now you got something, because every time you remote view a crime, and the particular criminal is quarantined from the decent people, then the remote viewer becomes stronger, see.

MS: Alright, let me have him respond, we only have 30 seconds left in the program.

DA: Well, we need to establish a track record as remote viewers. The military knows this is true, that it works. It hasn’t been really accepted by the civilian population that, that’s what we’re working to do, is to prove this.

I want to leave you with one thought: if any real, true sensory data can be collected via remote viewing, then all sensory data can be collected via remote viewing. That means if you can get an idea or a concept of a sight, with more training you can see the sight. We’re poised to do something really good. I think one of these days we’re going to bring a criminal to justice, or predict something, or do something significant, we’ve just been laying the groundwork for the last three years, and we’re getting there.

MS: Alright, thank you very much, Dick Allgire, for being on the program, that wraps it up.

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