A Remote Viewing Journey Back in Time . . .

by HRVG’s Magenta Colt 001
This project demonstrates several things, which illustrate the use of remote viewing in the real world to tackle a problem. This is an archeological/historical target, which takes us back to ancient Egypt.

The work here demonstrates that remote viewers are not bound by space and time, that remote viewing is truly a time machine which can allow viewers to see and experience past events. It demonstrates that in order to employ remote viewing to answer a question or solve a mystery, it may be necessary to not just task multiple viewers, but to have them work numerous subcues of the target. In this project the ultimate question was not answered, even though there was some superb data collected by the viewers. The viewers worked the primary target cue, and were given one subcue by the analyst. Had they had more time, and worked further subcues, it is likely the answer posed by the target cue could have been answered. The work published here represents many hours of work by the mission manager, viewers, monitors, and analyst. This project demonstrates how a viewer can produce data that is congruent, although metaphorical in nature. Jason’s work was metaphorically correct- a construction event- but translated by his conscious mind into present day terms, when in fact the target was in ancient times. This project also demonstrates the value of analysis.

The first round of sessions seemed somewhat different, but the data that made it through the filter of analysis was congruent and functional. Finally we must highlight Jim K’s sessions. They are both examples of what Joe McMoneagle terms “Black Belt Fourth Stage” remote viewing. No complete sessions of this quality have ever been published by any civilian remote viewers. As you look at each page of both of Jim’s sessions, keep in mind that this target was worked double blind. Both viewer and monitor were given only the 8 element alpha/numeric target ID’s. The bulk of Jim’s data (everything through and including S-4 Cascade) was done solo and blind.
Here is some background information about the Valley Temple at Giza.
The Valley Temple at Giza, traditionally attributed to the Pharaoh Khafre (Dynasty IV, 2680-2565 B.C.), is an absolute wonder of engineering, and its distinctive architectural style identifies it as being among the oldest stone buildings in Egypt, if not the world. The only other known parallels in Egypt are the Sphinx Temple right next to it, and the mysterious Osirion at Abydos, in Upper Egypt.
What makes the Valley Temple so remarkable, is the sheer size of the stones used in its construction, and the incredible number of them used. The temple itself is roughly square, measuring 147 feet on each side, and it is built into the slope of the plateau with the height of its exterior walls rising from just over 20 feet on the west side, to over 40 feet on the east side. Its core structure is built entirely of huge limestone blocks, hundreds of them, regularly exceeding 200 tons each in weight, the equivalent of nearly 300 family-sized cars! In the valley temple the priests purified the body of the dead king on its way from the earth to eternity. The temple is a square building of massive limestone blocks which are faced with polished red granite. Light filters through small openings at the top of the wall. A flat roof is made of granite, the floors of alabaster. Against the walls stand statues of King Chephren.

Here are some of the highlights from the viewers’ sessions:
Jim described the landscape as follows: Dry brown cliffs, old – sacred, animal sounds, foreign (Semitic/Arabic). Like a valley with structures, square old bricks.
Dick described this structure at the target site: Smell old, place where body is kept, past – ancient, ceremonial death.
Jim described the following structure: Dark room, stone architecture, lined by statues, rectangular block, burial, religious ceremony, focus on afterlife.

Also compare Jim’s overhead view of the structure he saw at the site with the computer rendered graphic of the Valley Temple.

Data Extraction Matrix (WJOY-FXVX)
Working Notes (WJOY-FXVX)
1. There is a human on a horizontal plane at this target.
2. This target has complex, hard, manmade, static aspects with dynamic elements.
3. There are sounds of footsteps at this target.
4. There is a repetitive tat/tap sound at this target.
5. There is a metallic aspect to this target.
6. This target is old.
7. There is dirt or powdered rock at this target.
8. This target is warm with cool aspects.
9. This target is hard.
10. There are cascading arches over a horizontal plane or wall at this target.
11. There is a single human near a structure at this target.
12. There is a sweet smell / taste at this target.
13. There is a smooth aspect to this target.
14. This target is outdoors / outside.
15. There is a pathway leading to a horizontal plane at this target.
16. There is a square or block structure at this target.
17. There is a human near a block structure at this target.
18. There is a remote hillside or distant cliffs at this target.
19. There are humans on a pathway at his target.
20. There is a single human on a horizontal plane by a block structure at this target.
Scenario (WJOY-FXVX)
This target involves a single human standing by a square or block structure. The structure is situated on a horizontal plane with a hillside or cliffs in the remote distance. Leading to the structure is a pathway, on which there are humans walking. There are cascading arches over a horizontal plane or wall at this target. This target has a sense of being “old”.
Data Extraction Matrix (N0V0-P4H7)
Working Notes (N0V0-P4H7)
- The primary gestalts of this target are a horizontal plane aspect with block-like structures with a path leading to it with multiple humans present.
- This target is complex, hard, manmade and dynamic.
- The structure is block-like and constructed in a post and lintel style.
- This target has a block-like structure with a prominent entrance with human figures in formation in front of it.
- Voices can be heard at this target that may be chanting, screaming or shouting.
- Drum sounds are heard at this target.
- The target is musty, earthy and dusty with a salty aspect.
- This target site is warm to hot with a cool aspect to it.
- The texture of the target is hard and rough.
- There may be a dome-like structure with energy below it at this site.
- There is the smell / taste of blood at this target.
- There is smoke at this target.
- There is a natural river or water flowing at this target.
- The target has dry, brown rocky hills or cliffs.
- This target site is an old (ancient), sacred place.
- There is the sound of rocks chinking or rocks falling at this target site.
- There is the sound of rocks chinking or falling at the site.
- This target site is a place where burial ceremonies are held.
- There is a secret aspect to this target.
- There is a human figure wrapped in burial cloth (mummy) at this target.
Scenarios (N0V0-P4H7)
Scenario #1
This target is situated in a dry area with hills or cliffs. There is flowing water at the target. There are block-like structures at the site with a path leading to them. There are humans at the target site. There is the sound of rocks chinking or falling at this site. There is an aspect at the target that has parallel lines with connecting strips. There may be a dome-like structure with energy below it at this site.
Scenario #2
This target is an ancient, sacred place situated in a dry region with brown hills or cliffs with a natural river or flowing water nearby. There are block-like structures with a path leading to them. One of the structures is constructed in a block-like, post and lintel style, with a prominent entrance. There are human figures in formation in front of it. This target site is a place where burial ceremonies are held. There is a human figure wrapped in a burial cloth (mummy) at this target.
Analyst’s Logbook
WJOY-FXVX Received Target ID: March 25, 2000 SaturdayViewer (Dick): March 29, 2000 Wednesday Viewer (Jason): March 31, 2000 Friday Viewer (Jim): April 05, 2000 Wednesday Analysis handed in: April 16, 2000 Sunday | ||
Dick: Viewer Total Data Points = 102 Congruent Points = 77% Congruency = 75% | Jason: Mission Manager TDP = 67 CDP = 59 % C = 88% | JimK: Monitor TDP = 95 CDP = 92 % C = 97% |
N0V0-P4H7 Received Target ID: April 23, 2000 Sunday Viewer (Dick): April 30, 2000 Wednesday Viewer (Jason): April 30, 2000 Sunday Viewer (Jim): May 03, 2000 Wednesday Analysis handed in: May 03, 2000 Wednesday | ||
Dick: Viewer TDP = 103 CDP = 98% C = 95% | Jason: Mission Manager TDP = 66 CDP = 56% C = 85% | JimK: Monitor TDP = 97 CDP = 94% C = 97% |